Neidio i'r cynnwys

Wicipedia:Cymorth iaith/archif/1

Oddi ar Wicipedia

Atebion: Penrhyn Gobaith Dda

[golygu cod]

All right, so I am the first to use this page, a gan gobaith dda, hefyd... There are a couple of things I could not figure out about the Cape:

  • What do we call John II o Bortiwgal yn y Cymraeg?
  • Is there a Welsh name for Cape Town?
  • And what do you call Huguenots in Welsh?

Diolch! --okapi 14:43, 12 Gor 2004 (UTC)

This is what I could find out:
  • I think it should be Ioan II o Bortiwgal?
  • No, BBC Newyddion uses Cape Town throughout its articles.
  • There is a Welsh word, apparently! I was surprised. It's Hiwgenot (sing.) according to the BBC Learn Welsh dictionary (I'm assuming it's Hiwgenotiaid for the plural). As an adjective, Huguenot is Hiwgenotaidd.
That's it, I think. Gareth Wyn 08:17, 13 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Diolch yn fawr iawn! --okapi 00:33, 14 Gor 2004 (UTC)

O ran "Cape Town", mae Geiriadur yr Academi yn rhoi "Tref y Penrhyn" - falla na fydd pawb yn gyfarwydd â'r enw hwnnw, ond y ffordd orau o gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o eiriau anarferol (yn enwedig mewn iaith leiafrifol) yw drwy eu defnyddio. Gellir rhoi'r enw Saesneg mewn cromfachau ar ôl yr enw Cymraeg.

Atebion: Jerusalem neu Caersalem?

[golygu cod]

It seems that there is a Welsh name for Jerusalem, but ar y we it looks as if it was used in religion-related texts, while the modern town is Jerusalem (for example yn y newyddion BBC arlein)... I'm confused. P'un i'w defnyddio? --okapi 04:39, 14 Gor 2004 (UTC)

From my chapel-going youth, I remember Caersalem came up a lot in the hymns, but I never heard it being used elsewhere. BBC Newyddion uses Jeriwsalem -- I'd go with that. Gareth Wyn 08:05, 14 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Wela i! That also explains why it seems to be part of names of chapels so often... --okapi 22:49, 14 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Atebion (Rhan I): International Quiz

[golygu cod]
  • Can you translate the Valley of the Kings in yr Aifft as Cwm y Brenhinoedd? (and is Brenhinoedd y Cwm a popular soap-opera in classical Egypt... ;-D )
  • Is Persian they talk in Iran Persieg?
  • Also in Iran, can you translate Supreme Leaders as Arweinyddion uchaf?
  • Countries next to Brasil include Guyana and French Guyana. Gwyana? A beth??

--okapi 04:40, 16 Gor 2004 (UTC)

These are getting harder!
  • Cwm y Brenhinoedd sound odd for some reason, not sure why. Is Dyffryn y Brenhinoedd better?
  • Probably, yes, although you could also use Ffarsi, I believe.
    • On a side note perhaps this should be Irán?
  • I think it should be Arweinyddion goruchel.
  • I'd use Guyana and Guiana Ffrengig, although technically the latter isn't a country, it's a dependency of France.
Gareth Wyn 07:11, 16 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Update: Yr Atlas Cymraeg Newydd gives Guyana Ffrengig. Gareth 18:27, 18 Aws 2004 (UTC)
Da gennyf yw hwn: yn Ffrangeg, enw'r ddwy wlad na yw Guyane française a Guyane, h.y. y'r un enw i'r ddwy wlad. (Fe fuasai "Geiana" neu "Gwyana" yn agosaf i'r sain Saesneg ha Ffrangeg, ond os ysgrifennir "Guyana" chwaith...) QuartierLatin 1968 17:38, 2 Medi 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Atebion: Rhan II

[golygu cod]

Diolch yn fawr! I was wondering about dyffryn/cwm, because I somehow associate cwm with coal-pits (a prejudice??). But there's more to come: (atebion islaw. Gareth 21:22, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC))

  • Is there an accepted translation for Iraqi Governing Council and for Coalition Provisional Authority in Irac? (I haven't got a clue for a creative translation either...).
  • Couldn't find any on Newyddion. I'd try Cyngor Llywodraethu Irac and Awdurdod Dros-dro'r Gynghrair.
  • Also about Irac: is religious freedom translated as rhyddhad crefyddol?
  • Yes, I'd say.
  • A country near Seland Newydd is Tonga. I have a question about mutations: I remember that I learnt way back when that foreign names to not mutate, but looking at all sorts of texts I find that they sometimes do and sometimes don't. What do you think, is it yn Nhonga or yn Tonga? Ffiji a Thonga or Ffiji a Tonga? (Or is this a discussion for the Caffi?)
  • If the name mutates 'well' (sounds nice), such as Tonga, I'd mutate (yn Nhonga ayyb). Occasionally, there may be some places which 'sound odd' mutated, but I can't think of any at the moment.
  • I'd probably write yr iaith Maori here.
  • Llywodraethwr Cyffredinol.

--okapi 08:07, 16 Gor 2004 (UTC)

  • There is a Sea of Galilee in Israel - Môr Galilî?
  • Môr Galilea.
  • Also in Israel they have daylight saving time - amser arbed golau dydd? (probably not...)
  • I couldn't find a suitable translation for this, I'll have to look at a big dictionary.
  • There seems to be a host of official languages in De Affrica: Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi, Ndebele, Southern Sotho, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Tswana and Venda apart from Africaans and English. Zulueg, Xhosaeg and so on??? And if so, is it Ndebeleg and Sothoeg y De?
  • I'd use the originals here again, with Sotho'r De, Sotho'r Gogledd.
  • Oman is on the Arabian Peninsula - Gorynys Arabiadd? And for that matter - is it Môr Arabaidd and Gwlff Oman?
  • I'll have to look in an Atlas Gymraeg for these, I'm afraid...
Having done that, the only reference to the Arabian Peninsula seemed to be just Arabia; we also have Môr Arabia and you're right with Gwlff Oman. Gareth 18:36, 18 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: Spicey problems...

[golygu cod]

I have encountered a couple of problems at Sbeis: Can you call states like Venice dinas-wladwriaethau yn y Cymraeg? And can you call the age all the discoverers from Columbus to Cook crawled all over the oceans Oes y Darganfyddiadau? And is cardamom really cardamom yn Nghymraeg? Oh, and what are colonial powers in Welsh? Gobeithio am eglurhad! Diolch --okapi 14:12, 25 Gor 2004 (UTC)

You're right with all those, I'd say, and for 'colonial powers' I'd write something similar such as Ymerodraethau Ewropeaidd (European Empires) since 'pwerau trefedigaethol' sounds odd somehow. Gareth 21:22, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Could someone check Dallineb, please? I got into unexpected difficulties trying to express the idea "sometimes people are born blind". Diolch. Marnanel 14:13, 26 Gor 2004 (UTC)

How about: "mae rhai yn cael eu geni gan dallineb arnynt"? (but I'm not 100% sure either...) --okapi 14:41, 26 Gor 2004 (UTC)

I'd say "Ambell waith mae unigolion yn cael eu geni'n ddall" -- does this work? Gareth 21:22, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: Okapi (erthygl)

[golygu cod]

Okapi neu Ocapi? I chose the first one because I read somewhere that k was introduced into the Welsh alphabet for foreign words only, but is it true? And on top of all that it seems to be Okapi in almost every language anyways - phonetic English would be ocapee... --okapi 14:38, 26 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Are you thinking of the letter 'J'? As far as I can tell, K is almost always translated to C. I'd say Ocapi with an ail-gyfeiriad from 'Okapi'. Gareth 21:22, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Oh, j, was it? Wela i! Diolch am yr holl atebion! :-) --okapi 23:42, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: Astronomy

[golygu cod]

I'm stuck with a couple of things on Yr Arsyllfa Frenhinol, Greenwich. While some of the institutions I did not expect to find were actually ar y we, others (less surprisingly) were not. Can UK Astronomy Technology Centre be translated as Canolfan Technoleg Seryddiol y DU? And what is Coordinated Universal Time??? --okapi 00:33, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Canolfan Technegol Seryddol sounds OK to me. UTC = Amser Cyfesurol Cyffredinol? Arwel 15:12, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Wela i! Diolch! --okapi 23:00, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: King Charles II

[golygu cod]

Quite apart from the missing mutation - shouldn't Siarl II o Prydain Mawr be Siarl II o Loegr? He is on en:... --okapi 00:45, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Err, yes. All the monarchs after Elisabeth I o Loegr are "o Prydain Mawr" so they should get shifted until you reach Anne. Some of them have redirects from "o Loegr" too. Here's a chance for you to use your new deletion powers as well as moving articles! Arwel 15:08, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)
You should probably also have redirects from Iago VII o'r Alban, Siarl II o'r Alban for instance, until Queen Anne. BTW, later monarchs should be "o Brydain Fawr". Hwyl, Gareth 22:00, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Aaaaargh! I shouldn't have mentioned it.... Well, ok, I took the hint, I can have a go. Cam wrth gam...

Errr, just to make sure before I change anything:

  • Up to Elizabeth I we seem to be the same as en:, so no problem.
  • Then we have Iago I, Siarl I, Siarl II and Iago II Gwilym III o Brydain Mawr, but on en: all these are of England.
  • Nothing seems wrong with Anne, but then we have Siôr I and Siôr II o'r Deyrnas Unedig where en: has of Great Britain. After that we seem to be agreeing with each other again. So do I adapt to en: or what? (Don't know what's what any longer... ) --okapi 22:58, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC).
I'm sure en: has had a long-winded debate on this somewhere, but I can't find it. Oh wait, here it is. Is this a workable compromise?
  • All monarchs up till Liz I were of England, so o Loegr.
  • Then James I/VI, Charles I, Charles II, James II/VII, William III/II & Mary II were of England and Scotland, so o Loegr a'r Alban with all possible redirects.
  • Anne, George I and George II were of Great Britain after the first Act of Union so o Brydain Fawr.
  • Subsequently, all are of the United Kingdom after the 2nd act of Union, so o'r Deyrnas Unedig.
I'm ignoring the fact that many of them were also of Ireland, in the same way that we ignore the fact that Liz II is also Q. of Australia, Canada etc.
Gareth 08:38, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Oh, what a muddle with the monarchs! One would think that there is nothing more straightforward than a list of kings and queens, but the page you linked did open my eyes, especially a short glance at the sgwrs-page. All right, so be it, I will go to work on Brenhinoedd y Deyrnas Unedig and try to sort them out one after the other... It might take some time, though. --okapi 11:49, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)
One more thing, I think the dual-numbered kings should have the article titles reflecting that -- Iago I/VI o Loegr a'r Alban for instance, otherwise it looks as though he's 'I' of both. Or is this too cumbersome? Gareth 22:18, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Ehm, yes, actually it is as I have changed Iago I/VI already, and including all the international links as well... But I could do that with the next Iago. Would a redirect for the first one perhaps do for the time being? Or I might leave him until after the Georges... Today I won't struggle with more than Siarl II, anyways, more than one king a day might be too much for my mental health... --okapi 01:23, 30 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Finished! --okapi 23:34, 3 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: Microscopic things

[golygu cod]

Hope these aren't too obscure: I've translated Scanning Probe Microscope as Meicroscôp Archwilydd Syllol and Scanning Tunneling Microscope as Meicroscôp Twneli Syllol. The first is a microscope which uses a scanning probe, the second is a tunneling microscope that scans(syllu?). Hope that makes things a bit clear.

'S dim syniad 'da fi if I've a) got the right translations or b) got the word order right... --Bibl 17:36, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Should Twneli (tunnels, plural) change to Twnelu (tunneling, to tunnel)? Apart from that, looks OK. Maybe it should be 'sganio' instead of 'syllol' since it's a better-known word. Gareth 22:29, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)
One more thing, sorry: sc translates to sg in Welsh so it should be Meicrosgôp. (The same happens with spsb.) Gareth 22:34, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Diolch am popeth! Dwi di trwsio nhw nawr. --Bibl 15:44, 30 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: Lle-enw

[golygu cod]

I've been wondering about the translation for namespace used on Wicipedia. Lle-enw sounds cumbersome, but I can't think of anything better. Maes (field)? Dosbarth (class)? Are there any English synonyms of namespace which would be easier to translate? Diolch :-) Gareth 22:29, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Kywiro gives three citations for "bwlchenw"/"bylchau enw". Marnanel 22:36, 29 Gor 2004 (UTC)

I don't like 'bwlch enw', since it translates as 'namegap', i.e. it's the wrong 'space'. Plus the components are the wrong way round if spelt 'bwlchenw' -- it should probably be 'enw-fwlch'. Which is probably why I don't like 'lle-enw' -- it should be 'enw-le', or my preference: enw-faes (name-field). Does that sound OK-ish? Gareth 18:18, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)
That sounds like a sensible idea. (The idea of "name-field" sounds to my English ears like a box on a form to fill in with your name, not an area-of-naming, but then that's idiom for you :) ) Marnanel 19:05, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Atebion: Organs

[golygu cod]

I've made a stub for organ, and I got stuck. I've translated spleen as sblîn, but I hope there's a real translation - all the ones I found were for spleen in the emotional sense. --Bibl 16:10, 30 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Diolch am y stwbyn! Ti wedi weld y rhestr organebau sydd ar taflen Anatomeg yn barod? Efallai bydd hi'n dda cyfuno'r dau rhywfath neu arall? Ar gyfer spleen: Geiriadur Ar-lein y BBC yw'n dweud spleen , n , dueg (nf,duegau) , poten ludw (nf,potenni lludw) , pruddglwyf (nm) Ydy hynny'n help? --okapi 02:15, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Wps. 'Nes i ddim weld anatomeg. Wi'n credu wna i cyfiethu tipyn mwy o'r wiki Saesneg amdani, a gadael y tudalen ar organau fel mae hi (gyda sblîn -> dueg). Cheers okapi! --Bibl 16:02, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)
Erthygl ychydig mwy cynhwysfawr ar Organ (bioleg). Llywelyn2000 06:53, 31 Mai 2009 (UTC)[ateb]

Panama Canal Zone

[golygu cod]

This is a question related to Dinas Panama (and Camlas Panama): Is Cylchfa'r Camlas all right for Canal Zone? And is the Great Continental Divide they had to dig a hole in something like gwahanfa ddŵr? --okapi 02:37, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Wow, those terms are quite obscure. I'm not sure where to start looking for those -- I'll have a look in Geiriadur yr Academi if I get the chance. Gareth 21:22, 27 Gor 2004 (UTC)


[golygu cod]

The following questions are about Afon Tafwys and - partly - Paris: What do you call the upstream and downstream parts of a river. BBC online comes up with gwaered afon for downstream but only has i fyny'r afon to offer for upstream. rhan fyny'r afon? And what are the right and left bank called? Is there a way to express those that would avoid confusion between right and south?

Concerning Afon Tafwys, I translated tha Anglian Glaciation as Rhewlifiant Anglia and Little Ice Age as Oes yr Iâ Fechan. Will that do? And can you translate sittings of the House of Commons as sesiynau Tŷ'r Cyffredin? And how do you express the idea that the river was smelling so badly that sittings were impossible? Rhywbeth fel roedd yr afon yn ddigon drewllyd i atal sesiynau Tŷ'r Cyffredin?

I hope all these aren't too far out of the way... --okapi 02:57, 28 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Tea Clippers

[golygu cod]

The Mimosa really was a Tea Clipper - Cliper Te? --okapi 06:10, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Cystrawen y Gymraeg

[golygu cod]

Tybed oes modd sicrhau bod disgrifiad person neu beth ddim yn gyfieithiad llythrennol o'r Saesneg. e.e. mae'r canlynol yn anghywir:

Augustus John (4 Ionawr, 1878 - 13 Hydref, 1961) oedd arlunydd o Ddinbych-y-Pysgod, brawd Gwen John.

sy'n gyfieithiad llythrennol o'r Saesneg.

Y ffordd Gymraeg o fynegi hyn yw:

Arlunydd o Ddinbych y Pysgod oedd Augustus John.

Dyfrig 11:38, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)

Greek -> Welsh

[golygu cod]

I'm fiddling with anatomeg, and having trouble with scientific/medical terms. In general, we translate greek ph as ff (phone/ffôn etc). Is this always the case? Would phytonomy translate as ffytonomeg/ffeitonomeg or phytonomeg? Is there any general rule (like 'always translate phonetically') with Greek/Latin rooted words (of which there will be a ton in erthyglau biolegol)? --Bibl 16:37, 31 Gor 2004 (UTC)

The BBC seems to use a transcription, see for example1 and 2. --okapi 01:08, 24 Aws 2004 (UTC)

"Tafod bach"?

[golygu cod]

On Nodyn:Organau cenhedlu benywaidd (the diagram as used e.g. on Croth) we have a space, number 4, which should be labelled with whatever the Welsh for "G-spot"/"Grafenberg spot" is. Today I stumbled across a page on clwb malu cachu which claims that "tafod bach" is a term in current use-- though the only other Google hit shows the term being used for the uvula in the back of the throat. Does anyone know what we should use? Marnanel 01:39, 5 Aws 2004 (UTC)


[golygu cod]

In Superted the bad guy was called Dai Tecsas. Is that the spelling of the name of the state that atlases use? Marnanel 14:39, 10 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Looking at the Atlas Cymraeg Newydd, all the states have their English names (including Texas) with the following exceptions:
  • Efrog Newydd, not New York (but it's New Hampshire, not Hampshire Newydd; same for all the other New * states)
  • North, South, East and West are all translated (eg. Gogledd Dakota).
Gareth 18:32, 18 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Citius, Altius, Fortius / Cyflymach, Uwch, Cryfach

[golygu cod]

Help: y Gemau are upon us but I can't find out how to say "gymnast" (m. and f.) yn y Gymraeg. (PS: Is it just me, or does anyone else find there's something seriously weird about those tilted coffee cups at the head of this page?) -- Jac-y-do 16:18, 14 Aws 2004 (UTC)

"Mabolgampwr" according to Y Geiriadur Cyfoes, though the reverse translation shows that as "athlete". Since "gymnastics" is "gymnasteg" , how about "gymnastwr(es)"? -- Arwel 17:12, 14 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Diolch, Arwel, but "mabolgampwr" is where I was stuck before. I did another search and come up, subject to confirmation, with "gymnast" (sg.) and "gymnastwyr" (pl.) - "gymnast" applied, as far as I can tell, also to a woman gymnast. The Welsh language, though, can be maddeningly sexist at times (someone I know stopped going to lessons when the teacher insisted she identify herself every week as "gwraig ty...") so I just thought I'd better check. -- Jac-y-do 18:27, 14 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Planhigin wy ac afal grenâd?

[golygu cod]

Has anybody got any idea what eggplant and pommegrenade are in Welsh? I could contribute photos, but I haven't got a clue what they are called... Thanks! --okapi 00:51, 24 Aws 2004 (UTC)

The BBC dictionary translates "pomegranate" to either grawnafal or pomgranad, and (amusingly) "aubergine" to planhigyn ŵy. Marnanel 01:14, 24 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Thanks! There we are, if you mistype or use the wrong word looking for something in a dictionary the most comprehensive dictionary doesn't really help much, does it? ;-) --okapi 01:17, 24 Aws 2004 (UTC)

Pommie grenades scare me. -- Nicholas


[golygu cod]

I need help again, this time with the Saeson:

I translated Anglia, Jutland and Frisia as Anglia, Jutland and Ffrisia. Same with Abodrites and Wend - both Slavonic people. Will that do? Is Henry the Lion Harri y Llew? Harder nuts to crack: What is Low Saxon (yr iaith) in Welsh? What is a Margrave (the one of Meissen...)? Is there an accepted translation for Frederick Barbarossa and Ptolemy?

I will check up on the names of the German states as soon as I get hold of my copy of yr Atlas Cymraeg Newydd, which should be in the not too far future, I hope...

Diolch! --okapi 13:42, 25 Aws 2004 (UTC)

MYA ym Gymraeg

[golygu cod]

Dwi eisiau ysgrifennu ethyrgl am esblygiad hominid, ond sut ddylwn i dalfyrru miliwn o flynyddoedd yn ôl? MFÔ neu rhwybeth arall? Shem the Penman 05:30, 25 Chwe 2005 (UTC)

Byddwn i ddim yn talfyrru. Dyfrig 12:00, 25 Chwe 2005 (UTC)

Iaith Saesneg - Iaith Almaeneg Etc

[golygu cod]

Rwyn sylwi bod nifer o gyfrannwyr yn ysgrifennu pethau fel "mae'n ysgrifennu yn yr iaith Saesneg", "iaith Almaeneg" ac ati. Arfer o'r Saesneg yw hyn. Yn Saesneg rhaid dweud English language, French language os am gyfeirio at yr iaith ond mae hyn yn gwbwl ddianghenraid yn y Gymraeg gan fod yr "eg" yn y gair yn nodi mai at iaith y cyfeirir.

Sylwer ar y canlynol - Cymraeg - Welsh Language. Cymreig - yn gysylltiedig â Chymru (Appertaining to Wales). Cymru - y wlad. Cymry - y bobl sydd yn byw yn y wlad Dyfrig 11:25, 30 Gorffennaf 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Gwell inni ddweud wrth 'Gymdeithas YR IAITH Gymraeg' am hepgor yr 'Yr iaith' felly o'u teitl hwythau. Dw i ddim yn gweld dim byd yn bod ar ddefnyddio 'yn yr iaith X'
Gwir, ond mae 'Cymdeithas Gymraeg' yn cyfleu grŵp sy'n cymdeithasu yn y Gymraeg, lle bod 'Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg' yn cyfleu mudiad sy'n ymwneud a'r iaith. Gareth 13:56, 15 Ebrill 2006 (UTC)[ateb]
Ydi 'Cymdeithas Gymreig' yn fwy cywir na 'Cymdeithas Gymraeg'? Yn lle "yn yr iaith Saesneg", buaswn i'n defnyddio "yn y Saesneg". Dwi'n ansicr ynglun a'i gywirdeb, ond mae'r dechneg yna'n adlewyrchu gramadeg y pwt "yn y Gymraeg". Emyr42 00:21, 8 Mai 2006 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae ystyr cwbl wahanol i 'Cymdeithas Gymreig' âg i 'Cymdeithas Gymraeg' Mae'r olaf yn ymwneud â'r iaith Gymraeg tra bod y cyntaf yn ymwneud a phethau Cymreig yn gyffredinol. Er engraifft byddid rhai flynyddoedd yn ôl yn gwbl wallus wrth gwrs yn defnyddio 'Swyddfa Gymraeg' am swyddfa'r llywodraeth a oedd yn gyfrifol am Gymru. 'Swyddfa Gymreig' yn ymwneud â Chymru gyfan ac nid dim ond â'r iaith oedd y 'Swyddfa Gymreig'. Gwisg Gymreig sy'n gywir wrth gwrs, byddai gwisg Gymraeg yn gwbl anghywir. Dyfrig 00:57, 8 Mai 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

John Smith was a rugby player from Cardiff

[golygu cod]

Mae gan ddysgwyr dueddiad i gyfieithu brawddeg fel "John Smith was an author from Cardiff" yn llythrennol e.e. "John Smith oedd nofelydd o Gaerdydd". Mae hyn yn gwbwl estron i'r Gymraeg. Yr hyn ddylid ei ddweud yw "Nofelydd o Gaerdydd yw John Smith" Dyfrig 11:59, 30 Gorffennaf 2005 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Here are my translations I got when translating the Pope Infobox, can somebody check if they are correct, and post here any correct translations. Paul-L 16:01, 2 Medi 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

English Name = Enw Cymraeg
Name = Enw
Birth Name = Enw Genedigaeth Enw Genedigol
Papacy Began = Pabaeth Ddechrau dyrchafwyd yn bab
Term Start = Cfnod Cychwyn Dechrau'r cyfnod
Papacy Ended = Pabaeth Ddiweddu diwedd y babyddiaeth
Term End = Cyfnod diweddu Diwedd y cyfnod
Predecessor = Rhagflaenydd
Successor = Olynydd
Born = Cynheid Ganed
Birth Date = Dyddiad Genedigaeth Dyddiad geni
Place of Birth = Man o Genedigaeth Man geni
Birth Place = Man Genedigaeth Man geni
Dead = Marw
Death Date = Dyddiad MarwolaethBu farw
Death Place = Man Marwolaeth Bu farw (man) or Man marw
Died = Trengi Bu farw
Place of Death = Man o Marwolaeth Bu farw (man) or Man marw

Dyma gynigion ar gyfieithiadau i'w cysidro (Some translations for consideration - in italics) Lloffiwr 19:27, 4 Medi 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Diolch yn Fawr Paul-L 20:03, 4 Medi 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Gwella/cyfieithu negeseuon

[golygu cod]

Rwyf wedi cynnig rhai gwelliannau/cyfieithiadau i’r negeseuon ar Wicipedia a’u rhoi ar dudalennau sgwrs y negeseuon hynny. Os oes cynigion eraill gennych ar y negeseuson hynny neu rhai eraill, a allech ychwanegu at y dudalen sgwrs perthnasol cyn bod y gwelliant yn cael ei gwblhau ymhen ychydig wythnosau. Mae rhestr o’r negeseuon hyn ar fy nhudalen defnyddiwr Lloffiwr. (I have drafted amendments/translations of some of the Wicipedia messages on the message talk page. If there are further suggestions to those or other messages please add to the talk page before the final versions are posted. The list of the messages drafted is on my user page) 12:08, 4 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Rwyn gweld yr ymadrodd ‘stwbyn erthygl’ am ‘article stub’ yn glogyrnaidd. Byddai ‘bonyn erthygl’ yn well cyfieithiad, gan ddefnyddio ymadrodd sydd yn bodoli eisioes yn hytrach na bathu term newydd. Gwell fyth i’m tyb i byddai dilyn y Wikipedia Swahili sy’n defnyddio’r gair am ‘hadyn’. Mae hwn yn cyfleu’r syniad o dwf y dyfodol yn hytrach na’r syniad o weddill a gyfleir gan y gair bonyn (bonyn siec, bonyn coeden). Felly rwyn cynnig ein bod yn defnyddio’r ymadrodd ‘cnewyllyn erthygl’ i gyfieithu ‘stub’. Byddai’r nodyn yn darllen ‘Cnewyllyn erthygl sydd uchod. Gallwch gynorthwyo Wicipedia drwy ychwanegu ati.’ (Suggested amendment of 'stwbyn' to 'cnewyllyn erthygl') Lloffiwr 12:13, 4 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Syniad da. Mae'n well gen i ddefnyddio geiriau cynhenid na benthyg rhai Saesneg. Byddai'n well cadarnhau hyn gyda phawb arall yma cyn newid pob 'stwbyn' i 'gnewyllyn'... Gareth 19:54, 4 Ionawr 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

The White Dragon

[golygu cod]

I would like to translate this phrase into Welsh, my guess is that it would be Y Ddraig Gwyn or Y Ddraig Wyn, based on Y Ddraig Goch but I'm not certain. It is a proper noun, intended as a pseudonym of a male writer - and so masculine forms would be apropriate if that makes a difference. Thryduulf 21:39, 18 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Tricky one because draig is a feminine noun. Correctly The White Dragon would be Y Ddraig Wen. If Draig was masculine (which it isn't) it would be written as Y Draig Gwyn but this sounds very odd to any Welsh speaker. Gareth 21:46, 18 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]
Croeso i'r Wicipedia, by the way! Gareth 21:47, 18 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]
If my memory serves me right, the white dragon in Welsh mythology represents the English, as the red dragon represents the Welsh - just to let you know. Lloffiwr 14:10, 19 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Sorry for asking on Wicipedia, but I'm working on the Wiciadur and need to know what the Welsh word for initialism is. I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Diolch yn fawr, —Cafodd y sylw hwn heb lofnod ei ychwanegu gan Adda'r Yw (sgwrscyfraniadau) 14:33, 21 Rhagfyr 2005‎

What is the context for 'initialism'? Lloffiwr 13:18, 22 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]
In the sense of an abbreviation created form initials, but is not an acronym (pronounced as a word). Examples: DVD VHS NBA YMCA but not NATO or AIDS
Acronym is acronym and abbreviation is talfyriad or byrfodd. —Adda'r Yw (sgwrs · cyfraniadau) 17:25, 22 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]
Geiriadur yr Academi has the same choice for both initialism and acronym which is either acronym(-au, m) or llythrenw(-au, m). Lloffiwr 20:11, 22 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]
Petawn i'n ceisio cyfleu'r gwahaniaeth rhwng initialism ac acronym byddwn yn dweud 'llythrenw a yngenir bob yn lythyren' am 'initialism'. (Having mulled this over a little I think that if I needed to distinguish between an acronym and an initialism then I would use a phrase such as 'acronym a yngenir bob yn lythyren' or 'llythrenw a yngenir bob yn lythyren' for 'initialism'.)
Gyda llaw, byddwn yn falch cael gwybod pwy sy'n holi'r cwestiwn hwn. Lloffiwr 21:57, 26 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Os gwelwch yn dda, oes gwallau yn gwlân? neu cig? Diolch. (I usually try not to create articles any more until my Welsh is better, but, well, it was Christmas... and gwlân had gwlan redirecting to it which was the top hit on Google, so it really needed a page.) Marnanel 22:09, 26 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Wedi rhoi cynnig ar ddiwygio. Lloffiwr 23:07, 26 Rhagfyr 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Papur newydd

[golygu cod]

Dwi'n trio creu Nodyn:Papur newydd, ond sai'n siwr am rhai o'r geiriau:

Type (papur newydd/cylchgrawn dyddiol/wythnosol ayyb)=Math (?)
Format (tabloid, argrafflen, Berliner, cylchgrawn)=Fformat (?)
Founded=Sefydlu/Sefydlodd (?)
Political position=?
Ceased publication=Diwedd cyhoeddiad (?)

Diolch yn fawr, —Adda'r Yw (sgwrs · cyfraniadau) 21:33, 7 Mawrth 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Mae'n gywir i gyd heblaw am:
  • Founded = Sefydlwyd
  • Political position = Tuedd gwleidyddol (tuedd = bias; ddim yn siwr am y cyfieithad yma)
  • Ceased publication = Gorffenwyd cyhoeddi

Gareth 22:03, 7 Mawrth 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

"afon", enwau afonydd, a'r fannod

[golygu cod]

Dyma cwestiynau i'r Cymry Cymraeg yma - beth yw'r arferion Cymry Cymraeg heddiw? (Ac ydy'r cystrawennau mewn erthyglau yng nghategori "Afonydd" yn eu hadlewyrchu?) Oes ots?

  • Y fannod, ai beidio?
"Mae'r afon Afan" "Mae'r Afon Clwyd" "Yr afon Tafwys"
"llifai'r Dafwys" "Afon Cymru yw Afon Ddyfi"(1)
  • "Afon Afan", neu "Afan" (ayb)?
"Category(sic):Afonydd - Afon, Afon Afan, Afon Clwyd, ...., Dyfi,..."

Rwy'n ymwybodol o sylwadau gan Peter Wynn Thomas (4.64) - nad ydy'r fannod yn cael ei defnyddio wrth gyfeirio at y rhan fwyaf o afonydd ( eithrio "Y Fenai"....) - braidd yn bendant;

a Bruce Griffiths(gol.) - ("river") - yn honni nad yw "afon" rhan o enwau afon, yn dradoddiadol; e.e. "the river Severn" - Hafren.

- ond mae PWT yn niwtral rhwng "Taf" ac "Afon Taf", ayb (4.64 eto).

Nid geiriadur iaith ydy'r Wikipedia, ond tybed a fyddai hi'n dda gosod nodyn bach ar dudalen "Afon" yngly^n a^'r dyfroedd dyfnion hyn? (efallai gyda chyfeiriad at dduwiesau afonydd fel cymorth cof i'r pwnc hwn)

Theo 20:01, 24 Mawrth 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

(1)Mae cwestiwn arall am dreiglo ai beidio ar o^l "afon" - PWT 4.216 - ond dyma hen ddigon am y tro.

Diolch i chi am godi'r pwnc hwn. Gan fod y gramadegau yn sicr nad yw'r fannod yn perthyn i enwau afonydd, yna cywiro trwy gael gwared ar y fannod sydd raid. Cywirdeb gramadegol yw nod y Wicipedia.
Pan bod anghytundeb rhwng gramadegwyr, neu pan nad oes rheol bendant yna mae'r stori'n wahanol. Y mae yna rai sydd am weld cysondeb arddull Cymraeg ar Wicipedia drwyddi draw (gweler Gwledydd y Byd). Mantais hynny yw gosod patrwm proffesiynol yr olwg i'w ddilyn, lle mae pawb yn gwybod beth i'w ddisgwyl, ond y pris i'w dalu yw bod dyn yn rhwym o godi gwrychyn y rhai sydd well ganddynt y ffurf nag yw'n 'safonol' ar y Wicipedia! Nid oes barn bendant gennyf fi fy hunan ar bwnc enwau'r afonydd (a yw afon yn rhan o'r enw ai pheidio) ac felly byddai'n well gennyf beidio â chael rheol neu ganllaw ar y pwnc. Cawn weld a oes gan rywrai eraill deimladau cryf ar y pwnc!
Ynglŷn â'r cynnig i roi paragraff ar y pwnc hwn yn yr erthygl Afon" cytunaf yn llwyr fod hwn yn syniad da. Disgwyliaf yn eiddgar at gael darllen yr erthygl.

Rwyf wedi cynnig y dylem gasglu rheolau gramadeg ac argymhellion eraill at ei gilydd ar dudalen cymorth arfaethedig 'Canllawiau Iaith' (gweler y caffi). Byddai cael nodiadau ar y pwnc hwn ar y dudalen honno o fudd yn fy marn i.

Lloffiwr 13:45, 9 Ebrill 2006 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Oes unrhywun yn fodlon creu tabl yn y ddogfen hon ar gyfer treigliadau cywir? Does dim cleb gen i ble mae'r hen werslyfrau Cymraeg wedi diflanu! Emyr42 00:27, 8 Mai 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Tra eich bod yn disgwyl i rywun ymgymryd â'r her i greu tabl y treigladau mentraf argymell 'Y Treigladur' gan D. Geraint Lewis. £5 gostiodd hwn i mi ac mae wedi talu ei ffordd drosodd a thro. Lloffiwr 19:09, 27 Mehefin 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Reigning monarch

[golygu cod]

Beth yw Reigning Monarch yn Gymraeg? I have it as Teyrnoedd Teynasu Paul-L 22:08, 16 Awst 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Ai "Teyrn Teyrnasol" ydy o? *ddim yn sicr* Vashti 03:28, 17 Awst 2006 (UTC)[ateb]
Beth yw'r cyd-destun? Mae Geiriadur yr Academi yn cynnig 'sy'n teyrnasu' ac 'sydd ar yr orsedd' am 'reigning'. Gallai 'presennol' neu 'ar hyn o bryd' fod o ddefnydd yn dibynnu ar y cyd-destun. Lloffiwr 20:33, 17 Awst 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

I got this wrong, it's meant to be Reigning Monarchs, and is to be used as a category. Paul-L 16:59, 29 Hydref 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Beth am Teyrnoedd presennol fel enw categori? Lloffiwr 21:19, 29 Hydref 2006 (UTC)[ateb]
Neu beth am Teyrnoedd y presennol? Lloffiwr 12:45, 30 Hydref 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Grwpiau ethnig

[golygu cod]

Oes angen dilyn y canllaw ar gynnwys y fannod yn nheitlau'r erthyglau am grwpiau ethnig, e.e. Y Cymry yn lle Cymry, Y Gwyddelod yn lle Gwyddelod? —Adda'r Yw (sgwrs · cyfraniadau) 22:20, 11 Medi 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Yn ôl 'Gramadeg y Gymraeg' gan PW Thomas mae'n debyg fod y fannod yn annotod glwm wrth rai enwau gwledydd (yr Iseldiroedd), rhai enwau lleoedd (Y Trallwng), a theitlau pobl (Yr Abad Dewi) a sefydliadau (Y Gymanwlad). Yn ôl PWT 'Bydd y fannod yn cyd-ddigwydd hefyd â enwau ar garfanau penodol o bobl a ddiffinnir gan eu cenedligrwydd, eu crefydd, neu eu daliadau gwleidyddol'. Ond er bod hyn yn awgrymu y dylai teitl erthygl gynnwys y fannod nid wy'n argyhoeddedig y dylwn wneud. Fe all y gair Cymry ddigwydd mewn brawddeg heb y fannod o'i flaen, yn wahanol i 'Yr Iseldiroedd' lle na allwn hepgor y fannod mewn unrhyw gystrawen. I arbed defnydd y fannod mewn teitlau erthyglau di-rif beth am beidio a'i ddefnyddio gyda charfannau o bobl? Byddai hyn yn cyfateb i'r arfer Saesneg mewn gwyddoniadur o beidio a chynnwys y fannod o flaen, dyweder, 'the English' er y byddent yn cynnwys y fannod mewn teitl llyfr ar 'The English'. Lloffiwr 21:12, 17 Medi 2006 (UTC)[ateb]
Diolch yn fawr am yr ymateb. :) —Adda'r Yw (sgwrs · cyfraniadau) 22:04, 17 Medi 2006 (UTC)[ateb]