Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs Defnyddiwr:Maelor

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia

Croeso. Deb 19:44, 10 Gorffennaf 2006 (UTC)[ateb]

Newid enwau erthyglau

[golygu cod]

Dwi'n gweld dy fod wedi copïo testun Cork a'i roi ar y dudalen newydd Corc a throi'r dudalen wreiddiol yn dudalen ail-gyfeirio. Y ffordd arferol i newid enw erthygl yw trwy symud yr erthygl ei hun i'r enw newydd. Mae gan bob erthygl/tudalen ei hanes ei hun ac mae hynny yn cael ei golli trwy greu tudalen newydd fel hyn. Dwi'n sylweddoli dy fod wedi gwneud hynny er mwyn gwella'r wicipedia, ond dyna ydy'r drefn (i mi a phawb arall hefyd!). Dwi'n mynd i ddileu'r dudalen newydd felly ac adfer ac wedyn symud yr hen erthygl i'r enw newydd (i ti gael deall pam fod hynny'n digwydd). Mae'n debyg y bydd pawb yn cytuno fod Corc yn ffurf Gymraeg safonol ar Cork (dylid sôn am yr enw Saesneg hefyd - mae Iwerddon yn wlad ddwyieithog) a bydd dim wrthwynebiad, ond fel rheol mae'n well rhoi nodyn am fwriad i symud tudalen ar y Sgwrs am y dudalen honno yn gyntaf, rhag ofn bod anghytundeb (heb law rhywbeth fel camsillafu a.y.y.b. sy'n amlwg yn anghywir) Anatiomaros 21:32, 21 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Diolch. Mae'r tudalen 'help' ( ddim yn glir! Dw i'n gweld y tab 'Move' rwan!!!! Dw i'n cymryd yr enwau 'swyddogol' o'r wefan BBC Cymru! Maen nhw'n defnyddio 'Corc'. -- Maelor  14:47, 22 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Anthem genedlaethol

[golygu cod]

It may have been easier to use {{banergwlad|enw yr wlad}} to display flags on Anthem genedlaethol, for example {{banergwlad|Sweden}} produces Baner Sweden Sweden . Paul-L 11:34, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Also, you don't have to put the anthem name in [[Categori:Anthemau cenedlaethol]], as categories are automatically sorted by their page title name. Paul-L 11:52, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
I agree and I've used the 'banergwlad' template on other pages, here I just forgot and used the default WikiCommons images. I'll re-edit the page. As to the 'category' I was just following existing examples. The name is need in some instances e.g. when the title begins with 'The', 'Le', etc. -- Maelor  13:16, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

I've just tried the template and it does not look as good, it's too restrictive on style!

{{banergwlad|Yr Alban}} produces:

Baner Yr Alban Yr Alban Flower of Scotland Blodyn yr Alban

but I would prefer:

Alban, Yr Flower of Scotland Blodyn yr Alban

I think the 'Y' or 'Yr' should follow the country name as in most encyclopaedias? -- Maelor  13:41, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

You could put the flag first for countries that use "Y" or "Yr", and use {{banergwlad}} for the rest, as in below:
Gwlad Anthem Cymraeg
Alban, Yr Flower of Scotland Blodyn yr Alban
Baner Albania Albania Hymni i Flamurit Emyn i'r Baner
Baner Algeria Algeria Kassaman
Almaen, Yr Das Lied der Deutschen Cân yr Almaenwyr
Paul-L 13:53, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
I think that using two different systems for one purpose can only lead to confusion for others who want to edit the page?? I'm also putting the flag images back on the anthem pages. In general the pages on cy-wiki are pretty boring compared to other wikis. Some form of graphic is need to brighten them up. -- Maelor  14:21, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
mae un arall! {{baner}} -- Maelor  12:39, 8 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Dwi'n gweld dy fod wedi newid enw cwmwd 'Coleshill' i 'Cwnsyllt'. Be di'r sail am hynny? Dwi'n gwybod fod 'Coleshill' yn enw Saesneg, wrth gwrs, ond dyna a geir fel enw'r cwmwd ym mhob ffynhonnell sydd gennyf, yn Gymraeg a Saesneg (e.e. J. Beverley Smith yn ei lyfr awdurdodol Llywelyn ap Gruffudd Tywysog Cymru). Dydwi erioed wedi clywed neb yn defnyddio Cwnsyllt fel enw'r cwmwd. Oes gen ti ffynhonnell? Anatiomaros 17:20, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

O'r "Encyclopaedia of Wales" (Welsh Academy 2008) - "COLESHILL (Cwnsyllt) Commote - A commote of the cantref of Tegeingl ..." -- Maelor  17:27, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
Diolch am y wybodaeth. Rhyfedd er hynny fod pob hanesydd Cymraeg dwi wedi darllen yn defnyddio 'Coleshill'. Mae llawer o enwau yn yr ardal yn rhai Saesneg heb ffurfiau Cymraeg (Prestatyn er enghraifft), yn dyddio o'r cyfnod pan fu'r ardal ym meddiant teyrnas Mercia. Ond mae awdurdod Gwyddoniadur Cymru yn ddigon da i mi! Anatiomaros 17:36, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
Gweler Bryn y Glo hefyd! -- Maelor  17:39, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
P.S. Mae Gwyddoniadur Cymru (yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg) yn ardderchog!!! Mae'n rhaid i chi prynu un. -- Maelor  17:52, 29 Chwefror 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Cambrian Airways

[golygu cod]

Erthygl diddorol (a does dim un yn Saesneg eto chwaith!). Dwi'n cesio ei dwtio ychydig. Beth wyt ti'n ceisio ddweud yn y frawddeg:

Yn 1951 fe wnaeth Kenneth Davies o'r cwmni i fod Cyfarwyddwr BEA (British European Airways)

A ddylai ddweud:

Yn 1951 gadawodd Kenneth Davies y cwmni i fod yn Gyfarwyddwr BEA (British European Airways). (K. Davies left the company to become chairman of BEA.)?--Ben Bore 14:50, 3 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Yr ail, diolch - dw i’n cy-1 o Wrecsam mae'n ddrwg gennyf!!! -- Maelor  14:57, 3 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Rhestr o Gymunedau Cymru

[golygu cod]

Hi Maelor The list is supposed to be of communities, either as defined in the 1972 Act or added later. There should be around 870 of them in all; I suspect the list is still incomplete. If I have have included any that you know not to be communities in this sense, by all means remove them, but they are all described as communities in Gwyddoniadur Cymru. Some of them do not have community councils, at least at present, but that in itself does not mean they are not communities. Rhion 13:10, 4 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

There seems to be some confusion between 'communities' and 'wards'.
This appears on Torfaen Council's website:

"There are six Town and Community Councils located in Torfaen. These are Blaenavon, Croesyceiliog & Llanyrafon, Cwmbran, Henllys, Ponthir and Pontypool."
Whereas the cy-wiki article now lists 12 "communities"!
A few weeks ago synchronised the en:wiki list with the various council websites (where possible) but some appear to have crept in again.
What we need to avoid is anyone simply adding "where I live" to the list! -- Maelor  13:24, 4 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
I think part of the problem is that what are listed on a number of the local authority websites are community councils, not communities. Some communities do not have community councils, or they may may under the 1994 Local Government Act combine with other communities so that several come under a single community council. These communities will not appear on a list of community councils, but they have not ceased to be communities. Rhion 13:35, 4 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Rwyf wedi dileu'r dudalen. Diolch am dynnu sylw ati. (We could do with a proper article, but I can't think how to turn this one into a stub that would be of any use at the moment) Rhion 13:12, 10 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Does dim byd o'i le efo'r erthygl ei hun o gwbl, mae'n gyfraniad gwych - jest meddwl fod angen newid yr enw oeddwn i! :) Anatiomaros 21:20, 11 Mawrth 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

ap a mac

[golygu cod]

Diolch am eich gwaith gyda'r nodyn sortio heddiw. Bydd yn arbed lot o drafferth yn y dyfodol. Ond cofiwch fod enwau Cymraeg a Gwyddeleg (a.y.y.b.) patronymic traddodiadol fel Ailill mac Mágach neu Dafydd ap Gwilym yn aros fel y mae nhw mewn mynegai, h.y. fel "Ailill mac Mágach" a "Dafydd ap Gwilym" yn hytrach na "mac Mágach, Ailill" a "ap Gwilym, Dafydd". Anatiomaros 21:21, 28 Ebrill 2008 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Gwaith da - dal ati! Rwy'n meddwl fod un broblem arall hefyd - doedd Edwin Cynrig Roberts ddim ar y Mimosa; roedd o wedi cyrraedd yn gynt ac roedd yno i gyfarfod y Mimosa. Rhion 06:27, 30 Ebrill 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Lewis & Ellen Jones hefyd! -- Maelor  09:43, 30 Ebrill 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Assembly constituencies

[golygu cod]

I've blocked you for a day to stop you editing the Assembly constituencies - what are you doing?!

  • You're putting the pre-2007 boundaries on, which don't apply anymore.
  • You've changed 'rhanbarth' to 'Rhanbarth', so it doesn't link to the regional electoral constitency anymore.
  • You're changing the party names, and putting the disambig (i.e. (DU)) in the infobox.

I'm reverting these changes. The only new thing you can add is the new Assembly constituency maps that have been created and are en: (in the public domain), e.g. en:Image:Delyn (Assembly constituency).svg and en:Image:North Wales (National Assembly for Wales electoral region).svg but these have not been created for all constituencies.

I won't go into detail on all your points, as you may not read this, but I blocked you for only a day to stop your progress, before you applied changes to all 40 Assembly constituencies, and I remembered your attitude to me when discussing the flags. Paul-L 15:54, 7 Mai 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Paul-L didn't ban you from wicipedia, he blocked you for a day, which is different. Let's try for some compromise here - I will have a word with him as well. We don't want to lose your contributions just because of a misunderstanding. Deb 22:02, 5 Mai 2008 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Hi is there any chance you could load this onto Wikimedia Commons so that it could be used on English wikipedia, other Celtic languages etc. Diolch yn fawr.--MacRusgail 16:01, 20 Mehefin 2011 (UTC)[ateb]