Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs Defnyddiwr:Adda'r Yw

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia
(Ailgyfeiriad o Sgwrs Defnyddiwr:Adam)

Stefania Turkewich

[golygu cod]

Hello Adda'r Yw, When you have time, could you take a look at this article: en: Stefania Turkewich? If it interests you, would you be able to do a Welsh version of it? Stefania was Ukraine's first woman composer of classical music. She moved to England later in life and did much of her composing here. Nicola Mitchell (sgwrs) 21:44, 14 Mawrth 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

I've done a Wikipedia tool translation of the article. Its in my sandbox: Defnyddiwr:Nicola Mitchell/Pwll Tywod. Is it fixable? When you have time, could you take a look? If its beyond help, I'll just erase it. Nicola Mitchell (sgwrs) 19:06, 5 Ebrill 2021 (UTC)[ateb]
I've deleted the machine translation. If you can ever do a short version of this article for your Wikipedia, it might prove meaningful. Though Stefania did not live in Wales, she lived nearby and Wales may have been part of her '59 piano recital tour; someone older may still remember that.Nicola Mitchell (sgwrs) 11:36, 9 Awst 2021 (UTC)[ateb]
Hello Adda'r Yw, Would you be able to give this article a start in the Welsh language Wikipedia with an introductory sentence or paragraph for the Wikipedia CEE Spring 2022 project? Nicola Mitchell (sgwrs) 11:08, 9 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)[ateb]
Okay, the article is up and running at Stefania Turkewich if you want to take a look at it. Nicola Mitchell (sgwrs) 14:23, 9 Ebrill 2022 (UTC)[ateb]

Translation request

[golygu cod]


Can you translate and upload the articles en:Flag of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, en:Emblem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic and en:Anthem of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic in Welsh Wikipedia? They should not be long.

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (sgwrs) 15:00, 1 Gorffennaf 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

Asking for sources:

[golygu cod]

Asking for sources:

Hello there, I've noticed that you have created the wikipages for anrhywioldeb, Hollrywioldeb and rhyngryw and I was wondering if you had any sources for when and where these terms were used before they were added to wikipedia?

Many thanks

LucCymru85 (sgwrs) 14:23, 10 Medi 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

Hi Luc. IIRC, I didn't have any direct sources when I created those articles, and I assumed those would be the most natural translations. I've just checked, and anrhywioldeb and rhyngrywioldeb both appear in Geiriadur yr Academi . —Adda'r Yw (sgwrs · cyfraniadau) 21:47, 12 Medi 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

Categorïau Sefydliadau/Dadsefydliadau

[golygu cod]

Henffych! Mae fy mhen yn troelli. Am ychydig nawr, nid yw'r croesgyfeiriadau ar y tudalennau categori Sefydliadau i'r tudalennau Dadsefydliadau wedi bod yn gweithio. (Mae'r croesgyfeiriadau ar dudalennau Dadsefydliadau i dudalennau Sefydliadau yn gweithio heb broblem.)

Cefais gynnig ar drwsio Nodyn:Cat-sef. Roedd y cod ar y tudalen honno yn dal i gyfeirio at "Datgysylltiadau". Mi wnes i'r newid. Wedyn roedd popeth yn edrych yn iawn ar y dudalen honno, ond pan ddes i edrych ar y tudalennau categori Sefydliadau eu hunain, roedden nhw'n edrych yn union fel yr oeddent o'r blaen. Maen nhw'n dal i ddweud "Datgysylltiadau".

Oes syniad da chi am beth sy'n digwydd? Gallaf i weld eich bod chi wedi newid yr hen dudalennau Dadgysylliadau i ddod yn dudalennau Dadsefydliadau ychydig fisoedd yn ôl. Roedd hynny'n gwbl synhwyrol. Ond mae'n edrych fel pe bai rhywbeth wedi'i dorri yn y broses. Efallai bod gennych chi syniad o beth sy'n mynd o'i le.

Ac fel bob amser diolch am yr holl waith gwych rydych chi'n ei wneud! --Craigysgafn (sgwrs) 20:45, 29 Medi 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

O fy mhrofiad i, mae nodiadau sydd yn ymddangos ar niferoedd mawr o dudalennau yn cymryd ychydig o amser i ddiweddaru. Mae'n edrych i mi fel bod cat-sef yn gweithio'n iawn bellach. Rydw i hefyd wedi newid y ddau nodyn arall, cat-sef-degawd a cat-sef-canrif. —Adda'r Yw (sgwrs · cyfraniadau) 21:08, 29 Medi 2021 (UTC)[ateb]
Rydych chi'n hollol iawn! Mae'r tudalennau hynny wedi dechrau diweddaru. Mae'n ddrwg gen i wedi eich trafferthu! Ta beth, diolch! --Craigysgafn (sgwrs) 21:53, 29 Medi 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

Dearest Adda'r Yw, thank you for the help in this page. Have a nice Sunday!

Rei Momo (sgwrs) 10:40, 14 Tachwedd 2021 (UTC)[ateb]

How we will see unregistered users

[golygu cod]


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:11, 4 Ionawr 2022 (UTC)


[golygu cod]

Haia gyfaill. Dw i wedi ehangu dy erthygl Ffwndamentaliaeth gryn dipyn, ond wedi cadw bron y cwbwl a luniaist dros y blynyddoedd. Tybed a wnei di gymryd cip arni a'i chywiro os yw'n ddiffygiol mewn unrhyw fodd? Diolch a chofion cynnes! Robin - Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 07:19, 12 Ionawr 2022 (UTC)[ateb]

Os oes diddordeb gennych, ymunwch gyda WiciBrosiect Cymru os gwelwch yn dda! Diolch yn fawr Titus Gold (sgwrs) 15:06, 29 Ebrill 2023 (UTC)[ateb]

You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

A fyddwch chi'n fodlon ychwanegu'r nodyn hon: {{WiciBrosiect Cymru}}

ar dudalen sgwrs pob erthygl sy'n ymwneud â Chymru a'r Cymry os gwelwch yn dda?

Diolch! Titus Gold (sgwrs) 22:28, 20 Hydref 2023 (UTC)[ateb]

Diolch am y categoriau ffilm

[golygu cod]

Diolch am yr holl gategoriau ee Categori:Ffilmiau hanesyddol o'r Deyrnas Unedig a Categori:Ffilmiau Pinewood Studios Dw i newydd ychwanegu'r ddau gategori ar rhyw 900 o erthyglau. Mi driai wneud amser i'w ychwanegu ar rai eraill hefyd, ond dw i'n cael fy nhynnu i bob man ar hyn o bryd! diolch eto! Robin aka BOT-Twm Crys (sgwrs) 12:22, 8 Tachwedd 2023 (UTC)[ateb]

ON Cofia gysylltu'r categoriau i Wicidata, neu mi fydd rhywun, efallai, yn eu hail greu gydag enw ychydig yn wahanol. BOT-Twm Crys (sgwrs) 15:46, 8 Tachwedd 2023 (UTC)[ateb]