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Sgwrs:Igor Janev

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia

Dear, editors /users ,if necessary, please help to translate this text. Thank You.

You do not need to clean up[golygu cod]

You do not need to clean up because Igor Janey known is respected scientist in the status of scientific adviser in Serbia and Macedonia. This is according to the regulations of the Ministry of Science degree equivalent to full professor. Additionally Igor Janev is public figure in Macedonia. Probably there are political reasons stemming from those structures that attempt to discredit Janev. Igor Janey is a famous fighter for the recognition of Macedonia's name in the United Nations. The public in Macedonia consider that such requests are only another form of action of Greece against Macedonia.see .Such a request for deletion should decisively be rejected. see : 1. (*Dr. Igor Janev,

Former Special Advisor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 
Republic of Macedonia)

2. (wellknown professor Igor Janev) 3. (Diplomat Igor Janev) 4. His contribution in US - RM relations (in Macedonian) 5. further (in Macedonian) (in Macedonian) (in Macedonian) (in Macedonian)

and so on—Cafodd y sylw hwn heb lofnod ei ychwanegu gan БОРБА.за.МАКЕДОНИЈА (sgwrscyfraniadau)

The removal of the articles on this person has nothing to do with Greece taking action against Macedonia, and everything to do with Wikipedia's policies on notability and what is suitable for inclusion in an encyclopedia. As for this Wikipedia in particular, I am sure that most of us (including me) cannot read Macedonian and may be incapable of verifying some of these statements; that said, I can't find much in the way of reliable-looking sources through Google - Wikipedia is the first hit, then Pinterest, Facebook, Myspace etc. A few interviews here and there. It does not seem as if an article is really appropriate.
Also, mk:Игор Јанев has been tagged for deletion.
Finally, see meta:Stewards' noticeboard#Igor Janev. You may try to reject this decision there if you like. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 19:29, 29 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Cytuno. I agree with Cathfolant. I spent half an hour trying to verify these and other iw references, in vain. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 19:38, 29 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

rejected decisions on 4 wiki[golygu cod]

see—Cafodd y sylw hwn heb lofnod ei ychwanegu gan (sgwrscyfraniadau)

The Serbian article seems fairly well-sourced, but it does have a number of unsourced statements. Also, Google's translation, which I must rely on due to inability to read Serbian, is unclear enough that I am not exactly sure what some of the claims to notability are. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 18:09, 31 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
one more rejected proposal for delition This current versions is Ok everyone on former yu. knows janev—Cafodd y sylw hwn heb lofnod ei ychwanegu gan (sgwrscyfraniadau)

Does that prove anything? No. Especially since the default rollback summary was used with no explanation. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 22:54, 31 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Also, the proposal to delete bs:Igor Janev has not been rejected, so I do not know what you are trying to tell us by linking to it. And the Macedonian article now has a cleanup template rather than a deletion one. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 22:58, 31 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Cross-wiki sockpuppetry?[golygu cod]

Gweler y drafodaeth ar y Wici Eidaleg / See Italian Wikipedia discussion: yma/here. Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 23:39, 31 Awst 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

News agencies in Macedonia shocked on idea to delete Igor Janev[golygu cod]

Look at the reaction in Macedonia on idea to remove dr Igor Janev News agencies in Macedonia shocked on idea to delete Igor Janev

Rhagdybiwch ewyllys da[golygu cod]

Hyd y gwelaf, nid oes tystiolaeth bendant nad yw Igor Janev yn bodoli; yn wir, mae'r dystiolaeth yn eitha cry ei fod nid yn unig yn bodoli ond yn haeddu ei le yma ar Wici. Hyd nes y cyfyd tystiolaeth nad yw, dw i wedi tynnu'r nodyn "Amheus". There's more evidence for his notability that against, as far as I can see. I've therefore taken the Clean up Template off his article. But I do think that the references on some other wikis need to be directed to actual, factual information as they are at present very cloudy. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:11, 1 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Mae rhagor o dystiolaeth am ymgyrch "sockpuppet" i hyrwyddo'r gwron hwn i'w gweld ar Gomin yma ac yn fwy penodol YMA. Dwi ddim yn hoff o weld Wicis llai fel ni yn cael eu camddefnyddio i hyrwyddo sbam fel hyn. Anatiomaros (sgwrs) 21:48, 3 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Os mae Igor Janev yn haeddu ei le ar wici ddylid dim bod rhaid creu cymaint o gyfrifon i'w hysbysu. Dyna marn i. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 23:56, 3 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Ei dynnu? Nodyn Amheus neu ei adael? Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 04:35, 4 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Dwi ddim yn siwr ond mae'n anodd i mi ragdybio ewyllys da yn yr achos 'ma. Gweler hefyd yma ac yma. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 11:07, 4 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
O'r gorau, dyma beth dwi'n feddwl: Fishy iawn mae'r sefyllfa'n swnio i mi i ddweud y lleia. Dylid dileu'r erthygl hyd nes y bydd ffynonellau dibynadwy - ac efallai darllenadwy hefyd i ni'r Wicipedwyr Cymraeg - sy'n cadarnhau fod Janev yn haeddu ei le yma. Dwi heb weld y ffynonellau 'na eto. Dylid hefyd rhwystro'r cyfrif Arbennig:Contributions/БОРБА.за.МАКЕДОНИЈА a'r IP am amser amhenodol, ac os bydd cyfrifon yn ymddangos sy'n ymddwyn yn debyg i'r cyfrif a'r IP yna dylid eu harchwilio a'u rhwystro os mai'r un IP maen nhw'n golygu ohono. (Cwestiwn nesaf - oes archwilwyr defnyddwyr gyda ni?)
Rhaid i mi fynd nawr - ysgol wedi dechrau! Cathfolant (sgwrs) 11:48, 4 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Gofyni: oes archwilwyr defnyddwyr gyda ni? Yr ateb yw oes. Ceir archwilwyr sy'n gyfrifol am wicis bychan; mae un yn byw jest dros y ffin ac yn mynychu golygathon Caer a Manceinion. I mi'n bersonnol, mae cywirdeb yr wybodaeth sydd ar wici yn bwysicach na phwy roddodd e arno. Cyn ei ddileu neu ei gadw, carwn glywed barn defnyddiwr arall. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:03, 9 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae cywirdeb yr wybodaeth sydd ar wici yn bwysicach na phwy roddodd e arno - rwyt ti'n iawn, ond dwi'm eisiau dweud dylid dileu'r erthygl oherwydd i'r awdur greu pypedi hosan. Dwi'n dweud bod yn fwy tebyg i'r erthygl gael ei chreu mewn ewyllys drwg os mai pyped hosan yw'r awdur ac mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn fwy gofalus gyda'r wybodaeth sydd ynddi. Rwyt wedi dweud dy fod wedi dod o hyd i dystiolaeth bod Igor Janev yn haeddu ei le ar wici - dwi'n dy gredu ond ble mae hi os gweli di'n dda? Cathfolant (sgwrs) 17:32, 11 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Sorry to answer in English, my Cymraeg is passive at best. Anyway, Mr. Janev indubitably exists; what is doubtful is his encyclopaedic notability. As opposed to his claims, he is neither a diplomat nor an advisor, and (interestingly enough for someone claiming to be affiliated with the Macedonian government) his IP seems to be located in Belgrade. I only took notice of his massive cross wiki spamming when he tried to spam images of his dog (of all things) cross-wiki. This is the most shameless case of self-promoting I have ever seen in the almost 8 years I've been on Wikipedia, and I honestly have not seen anything that would seem to make this person particularly notable. Diolch i chi, --Cú Faoil (sgwrs) 05:13, 18 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
O ce. Dw i am ddileu'r erthygl hon os na ddaw gwrthwynebiad sylweddol i'r fei o fewn 5 diwrnod. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 08:43, 18 Medi 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Ddaeth dim gwrthwynebiad sylweddol hyd yn hyn, mae'n debyg. Ydy rhywun am ddileu hon 'te? Cathfolant (sgwrs) 15:40, 3 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Dileu[golygu cod]

Aeth llawer o ddwr o dan y bont, a dim gwrthwynebiad, felly dw i am ddileu'r erthygl hon, a chadw'r dudalen sgwrs. Unrhyw awgrymiadau sut i wneud hynny? Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 09:09, 25 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Syniad da. Fe ddisgwyliwn am un defnyddiwr arall, yna (os daw) caiff hon ei dileu. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 10:31, 29 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
  • Dwi o blaid dileu hon hefyd fel ddwedais yn gynharach. Gyda llaw dwi wedi gweld tudalennau sgwrs a gadwyd ar ol i'r erthygl gael ei dileu ond dwi'n credu bod yn well symud y sgwrs hon rhywle arall. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 11:55, 29 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Sylw: Os wyt yn dileu tudalen, nid yw'r dudalen sgwrs yn cael ei dileu'n awtomatig (a vice versa). —Adam (sgwrscyfraniadau) 12:47, 29 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Dw i'n meddwl ei fod o bellach. Doedd o ddim fwlyddyn neu ddwy yn ol. Mi gadwaf o ar dudalen arall - jyst rhag ofn! Diolch. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 15:43, 29 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Dwi ddim yn weinyddwr ar unrhyw wicipedia ond ar y wiciau lle dwi'n weinyddwr mae'n bosibl dileu tudalen heb ddileu'r tudalen sgwrs a vice versa. Rhaid i mi fynd nawr. Cathfolant (sgwrs) 16:12, 29 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Chi sy'n iawn!Diolch. Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 22:48, 29 Hydref 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

References[golygu cod]

Ref. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE USE OF A PROVISIONAL NAME FOR MACEDONIA IN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] , p.77-78 [26] [27] , When we say US, p. 845, note 28. G. Ivanov, "Recalling that the International Court of Justice 1948 advisory opinion had determined that placing additional criteria on United Nations membership contravened the United Nations Charter", [28] Thomas D. Grant, Admission to the United Nations, Martinus pub. , pp. 203-212 [29] [30] [31] [32]