Neidio i'r cynnwys

Defnyddiwr:Huwwaters/Pwll Tywod

Oddi ar Wicipedia

Ffin Aber Dyfrdwy

Mewn ymgais i dacluso a diffinio ffin swyddogol rhwng Cymru a Lloegr yn aber Afon Dyfrdwy gan yr Arolwg Ordnans, bu bron i Gymru ildio'i thir i Loegr.

Yn dilyn camau gan yr Arolwg Ordnans i dacluso ar sut caiff eu mapiau eu creu. Nid yw ffin a ddangosir ar fap AO o reidrwydd y ffin cyfriethiol - gall y ddau fod yn wahanol. Dim ond ffin at ddibenion yr AO yw'r hyn a ddangosir ar fap, ond bron pob tro caiff ei dderbyn fel y ffin swyddogol.

Siroedd y codi awydd i

Nid yw'r Arolwg Ordnans erioed wedi dod i gasgliad terfynol ble mae'r ffin yn aber Dyfrdwy, felly dim ond ei nodi at ddibenion ymarferol. Holi'r siroedd i ddod i benderfyniad ble i'w osod, a hynny mwy na thebyg i ddilyn ffin 'gwneud' yr AO.

Elystan Morgan yn codi gan bod y ddadl nid yn unig yn effeithio ar ffiniau sir, ond hefyd ffiniau cenedlaethol, dylai eraill cael ddylanwad.

Yn ôl Statud Rhuddlan yn 1284, yr oedd y ffin cyfreithiol rhwng Sir y Fflint a Swydd Gaer yn dilyn cwrs gwreiddiol Afon Dyfrdwy. Yn dilyn camlaseiddio Afon Dyfrdwy yn y 18fed ganrif, newidwyd ei chwrs yn sylweddol i'r dwyrain o Burton Point ar Gilgwri. Darparwyd trwy Adran 37 Deddf Gyhoeddus 1732, o dan y tetil "An act to recover and preserve the Navigation of the River Dee in the County Palatinate of Chester", na ddylai'r addasiad yng ngwrs sianel yr afon a awdurdodwyd gan y Ddeddf newid nac effeithio ar ffiniau'r ddwy Sir, ac y dylai sianel yr afon fel y bodolai ar y pryd aros yn ffin rhwng y ddwy Sir am byth wedi hynny.

Fodd bynnag, ni ddangosid y wir ffin gyfreithion rhwng Sir y Fflint a chyn-Iarllaeth Balatin Caer a grewyd gan Ddeddf 1732 ar unrhyw fap na chynllun cyfoes aa oedd yn hysbys i'r Cynghorau a gyflwynai'r sylwadau.

Ers 1888, cai'r ffin i'r gorllewin o Burton Point yn yr aber ei dangos ar fapiau'r Arolwg Ordnans ar hyd llinell ganol Aber Dyfrdwy gyda'r geiriau "Boundary between the Counties of Chester and Flint adopted for the purposes of the Ordnance Survey" ac yn sgil Deddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 newidwyd hyn i ddarllen "Boundary between the Counties of Merseyside and Cheshire and the County of Clwyd adopted for the purposes of the Ordnance Survey".

Dim ond at ddibenion yr Arolwg Ordnans.

Ffiniau'r Arolwg Ordnans yn fympwyol ac heb unrhyw arwyddocâd cyfreithiol.

Yn ôl rhai, mae'r ffin rhwng Cymru a Lloegr yn yr aber wedi bod yn ansicr ers blynyddoedd, barn a rennir gan Mr Wyn Roberts.

River Dee (Anglo-Welsh Boundary) Volume 26: debated on Monday 28 June 1982 Mr. Barry Jones asked the Secretary of State for Wales whether the existing unmarked Anglo-Welsh boundary in the River Dee, close to the Wirral, Cheshire, shore remains the definitive national boundary for the purposes of industrial development and local government planning decisions of his Department; whether his Department have made any studies of the border; and whether consultations have taken place with Alyn and Deeside council. Mr. Wyn Roberts The line of the border between England and Wales in the Dee estuary has been uncertain for many years. The local government boundary commissions of England and Wales are jointly conducting a review of this part of the England—Wales border with a view to removing the uncertainty and establishing a legal boundary.

Yn ôl adran 62 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972, yn dibynnu ble, gall sir alw ar Comisiwn Ffiniau i Gymru neu Comisiwn Ffiniau i Loegr, neu'r ddau ar yr un pryd.

English-Welsh Border (Review By Boundary Commissions) Volume 955: debated on Tuesday 24 October 1978 Mr. Geraint Morgan asked the Secretary of State for Wales (1) if he will list the statutory authority by which the Local Boundary Commission for England proposes, in conjunction with the Local Government Boundary Commission in Wales, to review the border between England and Wales; and whether such a review has his approval;(2) why the proposed review of the border between England and Wales is, in fact, restricted to that part of the national boundary which lies between the county of Clwyd in Wales and the counties of Merseyside and Chester in England;(3) whether he will take steps to ensure that any review of the border between England and Wales will cover the whole of the national boundary with the objective of removing geographical anomalies along its entire length.

Mr. John Morris The statutory authority is section 62 of the Local Government Act 1972, which provides that the Local Government Boundary Commissions for England and Wales, acting jointly, may review the boundary between a county in England and a county in Wales. With the consent of the councils of both counties the commissions may make proposals to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment and myself for boundary alterations and consequential changes to the electoral arrangements considered desirable in the interests of effective and convenient local government. My right hon. Friend and myself may jointly make an order giving effect to the proposals, with or without modifications. Any such order is subject to confirmation by affirmative resolution of both Houses of Parliament. The undertaking of a review under these provisions does not require the approval of my right hon. Friend or myself. Nor do we have any power to direct the commissions to review any particular part of the boundary.The commissions are undertaking the present review in response to a joint request from the three county councils concerned because of long-standing uncertainty as to the boundaries between the counties in the River Dee and the Dee estuary.

Nid oes gan yr Ysgrifennydd i Gymru mo'r pwerau i newid y ffiniau.

Canol Caerdydd
Plaid Ymgeisydd Pleidleisiau % ±%
Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol J Randerson 10,937 42.27 {{{newid}}}
Llafur M Drakeford 7,769 30.03
Plaid Cymru O Thomas 3,795 14.67
Llafur Jo Thomas 5,246 20 {{{newid}}}
Plaid Annibyniaeth y DU David Edwards 2,985 11.4 {{{newid}}}
Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Victor Babu 831 3.2 {{{newid}}}
Gwyrdd Julian Mahy 565 2.2 {{{newid}}}
Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yn cadw Gogwydd

The disproportionality of the House of Commons in the 2005 election was 16.89 according to the Gallagher Index, mainly between Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Etholaeth Etholwyr Pleidleiswyr Canran Bleidleisio (%) Ymgeisydd Plaid Pleidleisiau Canran
Caerdydd Canolog 57,815 25,873 44.75 J Randerson Y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol 10,937 42.27
M Drakeford Llafur 7,769 30.03
O Thomas Plaid Cymru 3,795 14.67
S Jones Ceidwadwyr 3,034 11.73
J Goss Sosialwyr Unedig 338 1.31
Gogledd Caerdydd 61,398 25,873 51.33 S Essex Llafur 12,198 38.70
J Morgan Ceidwadwyr 9,894 31.39
A Meikle Y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol 5,088 16.14
C Mann Plaid Cymru 4,337 13.76
Gorllewin Caerdydd 57,717 23,216 40.22 R Morgan Llafur 14,305 61.62
M Boult Ceidwadwyr 3,446 14.84
E Bush Plaid Cymru 3,402 14.65
D Garrow-Smith Y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol 2,063 8.89
Etholaeth Etholwyr Pleidleiswyr Canran Bleidleisio (%)
Canol Caerdydd 57,815 25,873 44.75
Gogledd Caerdydd 61,398 31,517 51.33
Gorllewin Caerdydd 57,717 23,216 40.22
Cwm Cynon 47,619 21,666 45.50
Pontypridd 64,597 29,526 45.71
Rhondda 55,398 27,821 50.22
Blaenau Gwent 53,919 25,994 48.21
Caerffili 65,997 28,511 43.20
Islwyn 50600 23,927 47.29
Merthyr Tudful a Rhymni 55858 25088 44.91
Mynwy 61999 31702 51.13
Dwyrain Casnewydd 54196 19214 35.45
Gorllewin Casnewydd 57243 24239 42.34
Torfaen 61,037 23922 39.19
Aberafan 49786 23294 46.79
Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 60234 25032 41.56
Castell Nedd 56085 26895 47.95
Ogwr 51998 21599 41.54
Dwyrain Abertawe 57766 20835 36.07
Gorllewin Abertawe 59369 23727 39.97
Brycheiniog a Maesyfed 51166 29215 57.10
Dwyrain Caerfyrddin a Dinefwr 53634 32654 60.88
Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro 55655 28149 50.58
Ceredigion 55311 31898 57.67
Llanelli 58371 28387 48.63
Meirionnydd Nant Conwy 32922 18874 57.33
Sir Drefaldwyn 43386 21436 49.41
Preseli Sir Benfro 54225 29083 53.63
Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy 59386 19030 32.04
Caernarfon 47213 28478 60.32
De Clwyd 53,843 21814 40.51
Gorllewin Clwyd 53,952 25,236 46.77
Conwy 55,189 27,102 49.11
Delyn 54,047 23,853 44.13
Dyffryn Clwyd 51,124 22,203 43.43
Wrecsam 50,932 17,412 34.19
Ynys Môn 52,571 31,311 59.56