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Sgwrs:Ysgol Gynradd Rhydypenau

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Ymddengys mai "Rhydypenau" yw sillafiad swyddogol enw'r ysgol yn Gymraeg fel yn Saesneg, ond ar ba sail? Mae'n amlwg fod angen dwy <n> yn y gair, felly oes 'na ardal yng Nghaerdydd o'r enw 'Rhydypen[n]au', ac os oes 'na, fel sy'n debyg, ydy'r camsillafiad yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn Saesneg yn unig neu yn Gymraeg hefyd? (Achos mae'n anodd dychmygu Cymry Cymraeg gyda'r mymryn lleia o grap ar orgraff yr iaith yn ei sillafu felly.) Sefyllfa od iawn, a deud y lleia, ond dim llai od na sillafiad "Cymraeg" enw'r ysgol hon! Anatiomaros 19:52, 4 Ionawr 2010 (UTC)[ateb]

Yn ateb i fy nghwestiwn fy hun: Llyfrgell Rhydypennau, Rhydypennau, Caerdydd. Rhyfedd o fyd! Gan fod gwefan yr ysgol a'r dudalen ar wefan Cyngor Caerdydd yn Saesng, a oes modd derbyn yr enw Seisnigaidd ar sail hynny? Anatiomaros 20:02, 4 Ionawr 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
A dyma'r Urdd hefyd: ''Ysgol Gynradd Rhydypennau, Rhanbarth Caerdydd a'r Fro' (rhif 120 ar y dudalen faith). Anatiomaros 20:06, 4 Ionawr 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
I can well understand that seeing what is clearly a corrupted spelling from Welsh must grate somewhat (though it is as nothing compared to the large number of place names marked on maps containing "Llanerch"). However, I would tend to say in general that when writing about an entity that has an official or well-established name in another language, and no official or well-established name in Welsh, then we stick with the version in the other language. This seems to apply in this case - the few Welsh-language hits seem to be divided as to whether to include the second "n"; note also that there is a "Rhyd-y-Penau Road" marked on the usual English-language maps (example), and only a handful of web search hits for "Ffordd Rhyd-y-Pen(n)au" which are divided on whether to have one "n" or two (no hits with "Heol" in case you're wondering). There is even an argument for leaving the name entirely in English, just as on the English site there are a number of articles which use Welsh names for Welsh-medium schools e.g. en:Ysgol Gyfun Gŵyr. Luke 08:29, 5 Ionawr 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Actually in this case I'll retract the bit about leaving the name entirely in English, given that the school's own website has "Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Rhydypenau". But it does strengthen the argument for leaving it as a single "n". (On a related note, I looked to see what Ysgol Gyfun Gŵyr call themselves in English, but it turns out that their link to their "English version" actually points to "The page cannot be found". Given how often a "Cymraeg" link points to nothing of any use, the reversal here is actually quite amusing.) Luke 08:45, 5 Ionawr 2010 (UTC)[ateb]