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Sgwrs Defnyddiwr:John M Brear

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Oddi ar Wicipedia

PERYGL! Sais yn weithio!!!John M Brear (sgwrs) 11:24, 7 Ionawr 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Croeso Mr Sais!!! Llywelyn2000 (sgwrs) 11:33, 7 Ionawr 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Capel Seion[golygu cod]

Dw i wedi creu tudalen wahaniaethu ar gyfer Capel Seion. Beth am greu erthygl ar gyfer Capel Seion, Drefach, o bosib yn dilyn yr un patrwm a'r erthygl yma? Mae llun o'r capel yma'n barod!

(Gyda llaw, a gobeithio nad oes ots gyda chi fi'n pwyntio hyn mas, os ydych yn defynddio 'ydynt' ar ddechrau brawddeg, mae'n troi i gwestiwn. I ddweud They're two different villages gallwch ddweud Maen't yn ddau bentref gwahanol neu Dau bentref gwahanol ydynt.)--Ben Bore (sgwrs) 10:22, 9 Ionawr 2013 (UTC)[ateb]

Diolch i chi, eto i Llewelyn2000! Thanks for putting up with a stray Englishman. I was prompted to start a CS page as up to now the Cwm Gwendraeth article linked to the CS near Aberystwyth - a bit of a stretch!! Your point on the name is a good one, and I did think about it. Historically the Chapel antedates the village of Drefach by 150 years. It was located at the triple-point of three historic parishes, for the usual pre- Toleration Act reasons. The village grew later, on the old Carmarthen road, as population locally increased with the mining. Mid C19 maps show Drefach as just one farmstead amongst others. To serve this new population, the chapel built a vestry in the village following the 1904 revival. Even now, the village has no real focus (except the Swyddfa'r Post and a miniroundabout); its main claim is as location for the Ysgol (Gramedig) Cwm Gwendraeth. Currently CS is graced with its own 'Croeso i...' road signs which separate it from Drefach and the natives declare a strong independence. A couple of years back Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol differentiated us as 'CS - Cwm Gwendraeth', rather than 'CS - Drefach'. Thus my choice of article name. That said 'CS, Drefach' is commonly used and I have no objection to changing the name if you feel it better.
I will add some more info and photos of the chapel, if you good people don't mind fetching a hammer to my lousy Welsh :)) .John M Brear (sgwrs) 12:30, 9 Ionawr 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
Sori am y Saesneg, but just to get this right - is the village of Cwm Seion, Cwm Gwendraeth Your article) the same place as Cwm Seion, Drefach? As I knew Seion is a common name for chapel, I just quickly googled them and found the Drefach one, and just assumed (which I shouldn't have) that Capel Seion, Drefachwas was refering to a chapel in Drefach and didn't think that it was a place in its own right near Drefach. I wasn't proposing chaning the name of the article, I was trying to 'coax' you into creating an article specifically about the chapel itself as I guessed you'd have access to a lot of its history. If on the other hand there's more than one place in Cwm Gwnedraeth called Capel Seion, then we might need to look at changing names.
'Tis I that needs to apologise for the English!!! Yes, there is but one Capel Seion in Carmarthenshire and it is variously known as 'CS - Cwm Gwendraeth' ( by those who live there) and 'CS - Drefach' (by those who live in Drefach - OK, a bit of a tongue-in-cheek simplification). The name confusion arises with the CS near Aberystwyth (and sometimes between Drefach and Drefach Felindre). Separate communities have grown up around the chapel and the original Dre-fach farmstead, though in practice they are closely related. Cwm-mawr, the terminus of the Gwendraeth and Burry Port Railway, is also a separate community, but contiguous with both Drefach and Tumble and practically more linked to the former. Legally the situation is complicated by the presence of a constituency boundary through CS - apparently my vegetables vote Plaid in Carmarthen East and my horses support Labour in Llanelli :) CS has its own section of the Development Plan so it is largely considered a community in its own right.
I suggest we stay with the article as is, and that I add a summary of the Chapel's history and some photos as soon as I can. Other than a photo of the 'Square', there's not a lot more to say about the community itself. If you feel a redirect from 'Capel seion, Drefach' would be helpful, let me know. As for Drefach, I will add a line or two about the Gwendraeth School and a bit about the Rebecca Riots. The tollbooth is preserved, though relocated to the park. There is also a statue of Jac Ty-Isha in Tumble, I shall photo it for the Tumble and Rebecca pages .John M Brear (sgwrs) 16:46, 9 Ionawr 2013 (UTC)[ateb]
OK, got it. I don't think a redirect is necesarry, but should you feel that the chapel itself is worthy of an article, and you feel up to it, then go for it and use Capel Seion, Drefach.--Ben Bore (sgwrs) 09:39, 10 Ionawr 2013 (UTC)[ateb]