Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs:Ynni cynaladwy

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia

Ynni = 'energy'. Ynni gwynt, ynni niwclear ('Power' yn Saesneg e.e. 'wind power' = ynni'r gwynt.

Egni = hefyd yn golygu 'energy' 'Gellir trosglwyddo 'egni'r haul...'

Grym = 'force' ('force of the law' - grym y gyfraith; 'cenrtifugal force' - grym allgyrchol etc)

Dwi'n meddwl mai 'ynni' sydd gen ti drwy'r erthygl hon, yn te, ac nid 'egni'. Efallai, hefyd, fod 'Cynaladwy' yn cael ei dderbyn bellach -hy heb yr 'i'.Llywelyn2000 22:36, 1 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Cafodd hyn ei sgwennu cyn i mi ddechrau yn y Wici, ond rwyt ti'n iawn wrth gwrs, ac mae croeso i ti newid yr enw. Roeddwn i'n meddwl ar hyd yr un llinellau ond yna mi welais i fod categori ac is-gategori, gyda erthyglau eraill "Egni hyn" a.y.y.b. Bydd angen dipyn o waith felly. Ond fel roeddwn yn deud, croeso i ti gychwyn arni - pam dwi'n dod ar draws pethau fel hyn mor hwyr yn y dydd bob tro? Cofion, Anatiomaros 22:48, 1 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Ha ha a nos da! Mi geith aros tan fory! Llywelyn2000 23:06, 1 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Dwi wedi parhau'r tasg a ddechreuodd Llywelyn. Dwi'n meddwl bod popeth yn gywir nawr. Alan 04:23, 2 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
I spoke too soon. There were also a lot of references to "egni" in articles in the sense where I think it should be "ynni" from the above. I have just changed a load of them, but please review my contributions dated between 04:46 and 04:56 GMT today, and if I've made a load of mistakes then I won't be at all offended if you use the "gwrthdroi" button (in particular, I started to edit what appeared to be a relevant set of articles, but having chosen the articles I then changed the word pretty much globally without checking too carefully). I also haven't finished -- gotta go -- so to continue the task, search for "egni" in the search box. Shouldn't be *that* many more though, hopefully. Alan 05:03, 2 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]
Sylw wedi'i copïo oddi ar Sgwrs_Defnyddiwr:Alan012: Dw i ddim yn wyddonydd, ond dw i ddimyn 100% siwr os ydy'r holl newidiadau ti wedi wneud o egni i ynni yn gywir. Does dim amser gyda fi rwan i wirio nhw, ond cymer ofal, achos dw i'n meddwl mai egni (energy) dylai rhai fod.--Ben Bore 08:10, 2 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

I'm fairly confident from the above discussion that what I've done re categories is probably correct. But Rhys' comment suggests what I was beginning to fear, that my general editing of articles was wrong... It seems that I don't have the time or knowledge to fix these properly, unfortunately. So I am going to have to give you a choice of:

  • If they are predominantly wrong, then please accept my apologies, and I am happy to revert the lot en masse (referring to the contributions with the date range stated above), and we can repeat the ones that were right.
  • If they are predominantly right, then let's use where we are now as a starting point, so we can just revert the ones that were wrong.

Which would you prefer? Thanks. Alan 08:43, 2 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]

Dwi wedi ehangu ychydig ar y diffiniadau ar gychwyn y sgwrs. Llywelyn2000 22:53, 2 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]