Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs:Rees Thomas (1904-2004)

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia
(Ailgyfeiriad o Sgwrs:Rhys Thomas)


[golygu cod]

Using Saesneg again, sorri! On the other wikipedias, this article has been deleted as a "hoax". I'm sure someone here can confirm or reject that suggestion. Deb 18:27, 16 Rhagfyr 2007 (UTC)[ateb]

Actually, I just double-checked and it was me who created the article - so I know it wasn't intended as a hoax, but I really don't remember where I got the information. Can anyone help? Deb 18:29, 16 Rhagfyr 2007 (UTC)[ateb]
This is a bit of a mystery. The fr.wikipedia has two persons who might relate here. 1. Rhys M. Thomas (1982 South Africa), Wales international and Newport Gwent Dragons int ehe Celtic League. 2. Thomas Rhys Thomas (born Abercynon - damn, forgotten the date, but something in the 1980s again), rugby international for Wales. Where does that leave us? I'm not that great a rugby fan and have never heard of any of them! Sorry I can't be of more help. Anatiomaros 19:44, 16 Rhagfyr 2007 (UTC)[ateb]
Archif dileu'r erthygl Saesneg:
Possibly a hoax, as no reliable sources can be found to substantiate the claims made in this article. Would be notable if they were true, and I will withdraw the nomination if proper sources can be found, but there is no evidence for any of the claims made. If he had lived to be 100 and died as recently as 2004, surely there would have been some sources to mention this, or at least an obituary in a national newspaper, but nothing seems to exist aside from Wikipedia mirrors. Cheers, CP 01:29, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
Delete per nom. Appears to be a hoax. --lifebaka (Talk - Contribs) 01:36, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
Delete Might be a hoax based on the current Rhys Thomas rugby player, or might be a mistaken reference to Rhys Thomas Gabe. Anarchia (talk) 07:05, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
Delete for WP:Verifiability. Hoax or not, this article is impossible to verify without sources. • Gene93k (talk) 11:51, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
Delete per above. I've tried to find sources to confirm this isn't a hoax but have not been successful. - Shudde talk 22:32, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
Note: This debate has been included in the list of Sports-related deletions. -- DoubleBlue (Talk) 03:02, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
Also Thomas Rhys Thomas is given as born in 1982 on the French wiki, same year as the SA Thomas. Bit of a coincidence? Serial Rhys Thomas hoax?!!! Ymddengys nad oes unrhyw beth ar y we am ein Rhys Thomas ni (gweler uchod). Anatiomaros 19:53, 16 Rhagfyr 2007 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae yna ddau Rhys Thomas yn chwarea ar hyn o bryd, y ddau wedi eu geni o fewn ychydig fisoedd i'w gilydd. Alla i ddim gweld dim ar y we am yr un yma, ond efallai y byddai'n rhaid cael llyfr i wneud yn siwr. Rhion 20:24, 16 Rhagfyr 2007 (UTC)[ateb]
This Rhys Thomas, with these birth dates, does not appear on the list of Welsh international rugby players (there was a Rees Thomas who played on the Wales team between 1909 and 1913). Did you get this from an obituary Deb - living to 100 qualifying him for an obituary? Lloffiwr 22:56, 17 Rhagfyr 2007 (UTC)[ateb]
SYLWER does dim 'Rhys Thomas' (ceir Rees Thomas, T. Rhys Thomas a Rhys M. Thomas, ond pobl eraill ydyn nhw) ar y Wici Saesneg ac mae ganddyn nhw dros 900 (ia!) o chwaraewyr rygbi Cymreig yno. Amheus iawn yw hyn felly. Anatiomaros 15:34, 29 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Dyna pam y gwnes fflagio'r erthygl drwy roi'r Rhybydd arno. Oni bai fod tystiolaeth o fodolaeth y gwron yn cael ei gyflwyno o fewn wythnos, mi fydd angen dileu'r erthgl. Llywelyn2000 22:05, 29 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Ia, mi welais i hynny a phenderfynu siecio'r categori ar 'en'. Wedyn wnes i ddilyn y dolenni a dynwyd gen ti i'r erthyglau Ffrangeg ac Eidaleg - rhywun arall sydd yno - a thynnu ein dolenni rhyngwici er mwyn atal y botiau rhag adfer nhw eto. Yr unig bethau ar y we o chwiliadau fel '"Rhys Thomas" + rugby + Wales + 1904' yw copiau archif o'r hen erthygl S. ar wefannau drych Wikipedia. Dwi'n tueddu i gredu mai ffugiad yw hyn i gyd. Heb ffynhonnell o gwbl ac felly dim modd eu ehangu na'i gwiro dwi ddim yn gweld llawer o golled i ni os cawn wared ar y pwt o "erthygl" yma. Anatiomaros 23:51, 29 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae'n dweud yn un o'r ethyglau ar y we (efallai copi o'r erthygl a ddielwyd ar en?) ei fod yn chwarae i Lanelli tua chanol y 1920au. Dywedir yno na chafodd gap dros Gymru, felly dim pwynt edrych ymysg y chwaraewyr rhyngwladol. Mae llyfr ar hanes Llanelli ar gael, a ddylai ei enwi os yw'n berson go-iawn. Mi geisiaf gael golwg. Porius1 06:26, 30 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae'n ymddangos fod yr erthygl yn ddilys. Gweler safle we Clwb Rygbi Llanelli, ond mae'n ymddangos mai "Rees" oedd ei enw cyntaf, nid "Rhys". (Dim yr un person a'r Rees Thomas fu'n chwarae i Bontypŵl, a fu farw yn 1926). Porius1 08:17, 30 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Diolch Porius1 am fod mor drylwyr ag erioed, mor llawn gofal. Mae'r erthygl newydd, bona fide, yn darllen yn dda. Mae hyn i gyd yn dangos mor bwysig ydy amynedd ac ychydig ymchwil. Llywelyn2000 14:35, 30 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
........ a chael enw rhywun yn iawn yn y lle cyntaf hefyd ('lol'!). Diolch am dy waith ditectif ardderchog, Porius1. Rwan, oes angen tudalen gwahaniaethu? Faint o'r Tomasiaid hyn sy' na? Dwi wedi drysu'n lân efo nhw. (Ond gwelaf rwan fod Rhys Thomas yn ailgyfeirio at Rees Thomas - popeth yn iawn felly). Anatiomaros 14:52, 30 Gorffennaf 2010 (UTC)[ateb]