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Sgwrs:Cwpan y Byd Pêl-droed 2010

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[golygu cod]

Mae Cwpan y Byd Pêl-droed yn swnio'n chwithig iawn i mi. Beth mae eraill yn feddwl Dyfrig 20:13, 13 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]

Swnio'n od imi hefyd. "FIFA" yw'r gair annod i'w ddefnyddio fan hyn. Beth am Cwpan y Byd FIFA 2010 neu jyst Cwpan y Byd 2010'?
Mae'n swnio'n lletchwith, dwi'n cydweld. Ar y we mae'r cyfryngau Cymraeg yn osgoi'r anhawster trwy gyfeirio at 'Cwpan y Byd', yn syml. Dyna enw llawlyfr gan Gwyn Jenkins: Cwpan y Byd 2010 (gw. [1]). Ond yn anffodus i ni, mae 'na sawl "Cwpan y Byd" ac felly wneiff 'Cwpan y Byd 2010' mo'r tro. Mae 'Cwpan y Byd FIFA 2010' yn well, ond cofiwch bydd rhaid newid pob erthygl a rhai categoriau hefyd, e.e. 'Cwpan y Byd Pêl-droed yn ôl blwyddyn', sy'n dipyn o waith. Dylem ystyried yn ofalus yn gyntaf. Anatiomaros 21:21, 13 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Dwi'n gweld mai '2010 FIFA World Cup' sydd ar 'en', ond rhywbeth tebyg i enw ni sydd gan y lleill i gyd bron. Mae'r teitl Ffrangeg 'Coupe du monde de football de 2010' yn swnio'r un mor od â 'Cwpan y Byd Pêl-droed 2010' mewn gwirionedd. Anatiomaros 21:25, 13 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Cwpan y Byd, Pêl-droed 2010? Neu: Cwpan Pêl-droed y Byd, 2010 ? Llywelyn2000 21:32, 13 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Mae'r olaf yn well, ond heb yr atalnod. Dyma enghraifft ar y we: "Medal Cwpan Pêl-droed y Byd...", gwefan Casglu'r Tlysau. Anatiomaros 21:47, 13 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
I'll allow the fluent speakers to decide the best title; but remember that the new title will have to be applied all articles of the previous Football World Cups; and it can't just be 'Cwpan y Byd 2010', as there is more than one type of World Cup (criced, rygbi'r undeb, etc...). Paul-L 14:42, 14 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]


[golygu cod]

Anatiomaros, you removed (aay) in this edit, which was used to indicate that this match went to extra time; though I admit I don't know what it is ancronym for, extra time still needs to be indicated. I've seen (way - wedi amser ychwanegol) used on S4C, would that be a better translation to use? Paul-L 21:48, 27 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]

Oops - sorry Paul, thought it was a "Bangor lad-ism" (Bangor ai, Ghana ai!) added by a vandal! Either 'aay' or 'way' would still look a bit odd without an explanation. Add a footnote perhaps? Don't mind which but S4C seems the one to go with. Anatiomaros 21:55, 27 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
I've re-added it in a similiar way to how it's displayed on en:, and other wikipedias. I've also found out that 'aay' is 'ar ôl amser ychwanegol'. Paul-L 14:52, 28 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
Diolch Paul. I should have checked the edit history! Anatiomaros 17:01, 28 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
PS I've created an eginyn, Amser ychwanegol. Anatiomaros 17:13, 28 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]
This works better than using a footnote - if the reader does not recognise the terms '(aay)' or '(way)', they can click on them, and read an explanation about extra time, and also find out what the abbrevaions stand for. Paul-L 20:35, 29 Mehefin 2010 (UTC)[ateb]