Neidio i'r cynnwys

Defnyddiwr:Llusiduonbach/blwchtywod: Gwahaniaeth rhwng fersiynau

Oddi ar Wicipedia
Cynnwys wedi'i ddileu Cynnwys wedi'i ychwanegu
Llusiduonbach (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
Dim crynodeb golygu
Llusiduonbach (sgwrs | cyfraniadau)
Dim crynodeb golygu
Llinell 1: Llinell 1:
<!-- EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -->[[File:Il_pomodoro.jpg|link=|bawd|A pomodoro kitchen timer, after which the method is named]]
<!-- EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -->[[Llid]] y [[llwybr treuliad]] sy'n cynnwys y [[stumog]] a'r [[coluddyn bach]] yw '''gastroenteritis''' (neu '''lid y stumog a'r coluddyn''' neu '''ddolur rhydd heintus''').<ref name="Sch20152">{{cite book|last1=Schlossberg|first1=David|title=Clinical infectious disease|date=2015|isbn=9781107038912|page=334|edition=Second|url=}}</ref> Mae ei symptomau'n cynnwys rhyw gyfuniad o [[Dolur rhydd|ddolur rhydd]], [[chwydu]] a phoen yn y [[bol]].<ref name="EBMED20102">{{cite journal|last=Singh|first=Amandeep|title=Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice Acute Gastroenteritis — An Update|journal=Emergency Medicine Practice|date=July 2010|volume=7|issue=7|url=}}</ref> Gall fod [[Y dwymyn|twymyn]], diffyg nerth a [[Dadhydru|dadhydriad]] hefyd.<ref name="Ci20132">{{cite journal|last1=Ciccarelli|first1=S|last2=Stolfi|first2=I|last3=Caramia|first3=G|title=Management strategies in the treatment of neonatal and pediatric gastroenteritis.|journal=Infection and drug resistance|date=29 October 2013|volume=6|pages=133–61|pmid=24194646|doi=10.2147/IDR.S12718|pmc=3815002}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2015: 5 Books in 1|date=2014|publisher=Elsevier Health Sciences|isbn=9780323084307|page=479|url=}}</ref> Bydd hyn yn parhau am lai na phythefnos.<ref name="Sch20152" />
Dull o [[Rheoli amser|reoli amser]] yw '''Techneg Pomodoro''', a ddatblygwyd gan Francesco Cirillo yn hwyr yn y 1980au.<ref name="Cirillo">{{cite book|last=Cirillo|first=Francesco|title=The Pomodoro Technique|url=|accessdate=2011-05-08}}</ref> Mae'r dechneg yn defnyddio [[amserydd]] i dorri gwaith i mewn i gyfnodau, 25 munud o hyd yn draddodiadol, gydag egwyl fach rhwng pob un. ''Pomodoro'' yw enw un cyfnod, sef y gair [[Eidaleg]] am [[Tomato|domato]], ar ôl yr amserydd cegin siâp tomato yr oedd Cirillo yn ei ddefnyddio fel myfyriwr.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Cummings|first1=Tucker|title=The Pomodoro Technique: Is It Right For You?|url=|website=Lifehack|accessdate=19 May 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Cirillo|first=Francesco|title=The Pomodoro Technique (The Pomodoro)|url=|accessdate=11 November 2013}}</ref> Mae'r dull yn seiliedig ar y syniad y gall egwylion cyson helpu gwella ystwythder y meddwl.<ref>{{cite web|last=Shellenbarger|first=Sue|url=|title=No Time to Read This? Read This||date=2009-11-18|accessdate=2010-10-27}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|url=|last1=Tambini|first1=Arielle|last2=Ketz|first2=Nicholas|last3=Davachi|first3=Lila|title=Enhanced Brain Correlations during Rest Are Related to Memory for Recent Experiences|journal=[[Neuron (journal)|Neuron]]|volume=65|issue=2|pages=280–290|date=28 January 2010|doi=10.1016/j.neuron.2010.01.001}}</ref>

Mae'r Dechneg Pomodoro yn debyg i gysyniadau megis blychau amser (''timeboxing'') a [[datblygiad iterus a chynyddol]] a geir wrth ddylunio meddalwedd. Defnyddir y dull mewn cyd-destunau o [[Cydraglennu|gydraglennu]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|last=Olsen|first=Patricia R.|first2=Jim|last2=Remsik|date=19 September 2009|newspaper=[[The New York Times]]|title=For Writing Software, a Buddy System}}</ref>
[[Firws|Firysau]] sy'n achosi'r rhan fwyaf o gastroenteritis<ref name="Helm20062">{{cite book|last1=A. Helms|first1=Richard|title=Textbook of therapeutics : drug and disease management|date=2006|publisher=Lippincott Williams & Wilkins|location=Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.]|isbn=9780781757348|page=2003|edition=8.|url=}}</ref> ond [[bacteria]], [[Parasit|parasitiaid]] a [[ffwng]] all fod yn gyfrifol hefyd.<ref name="Ci20132" /><ref name="Helm20062" /> Mewn plant, [[rotafirws]] yw'r achos mwyaf cyffredin o afiechyd difrifol;<ref name="Rota20122">{{cite journal|vauthors=Tate JE, Burton AH, Boschi-Pinto C, Steele AD, Duque J, Parashar UD|title=2008 estimate of worldwide rotavirus-associated mortality in children younger than 5 years before the introduction of universal rotavirus vaccination programmes: a systematic review and meta-analysis|journal=The Lancet Infectious Diseases|volume=12|issue=2|pages=136–41|date=February 2012|pmid=22030330|doi=10.1016/S1473-3099(11)70253-5}}</ref> mewn oedolion, [[norofirws]] a ''[[Campylobacter|Champylobacter]]'' sy'n gyffredin.<ref name="pmid216950332">{{cite journal|vauthors=Marshall JA, Bruggink LD|title=The dynamics of norovirus outbreak epidemics: recent insights|journal=International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health|volume=8|issue=4|pages=1141–9|date=April 2011|pmid=21695033|pmc=3118882|doi=10.3390/ijerph8041141}}</ref><ref name="pmid220250302">{{cite journal|author=Man SM|title=The clinical importance of emerging Campylobacter species|journal=Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology|volume=8|issue=12|pages=669–85|date=December 2011|pmid=22025030|doi=10.1038/nrgastro.2011.191}}</ref> Gellir ei ddal drwy fwyta bwyd heb ei baratoi'n gywir, drwy yfed dŵr halog neu drwy gyffyrddiad agos â rhywun arall â'r llid. Nid oes rhaid gwneud profion er mywn cadarnhau diagnosis fel afer.<ref name="Ci20132" />

== Egwyddorion sylfaenol ==
Gellir peidio â dal gastroenteritis drwy olchi'r [[Llaw|dwylo]] â [[sebon]], yfed dŵr glân, gwaredu gwastraff dynol yn gall a rhoi'r [[Bron|fron]] i fabanod yn hytrach na defnyddio llaeth fformiwla.<ref name="Ci20132" /> Argymhellir i blant gael [[brechiad]] rotafirws.<ref name="Ci20132" /><ref name="Rota20122" /> Mae'r driniaeth yn golygu cael digonedd o hylif. Mewn achosion ysgafn a chanolig, gwneir hyn fel arfer drwy yfed hydoddiant ailhydradu, sef cyfuniad o [[Dŵr|ddŵr]], [[halen]] a [[siwgr]]. Mewn plant sy'n cael eu bwydo o'r fron, dylid parhau i roi'r fron iddynt. Mewn achosion difrifol, bydd angen rhoi hylifau mewnwythiennol neu "drip".<ref name="Ci20132" /> Gall claf gael yr hylifau i'r stumog trwy diwb trwy'r [[trwyn]] hefyd.<ref name="Webb20052">{{cite journal|last=Webb|first=A|author2=Starr, M|title=Acute gastroenteritis in children.|journal=Australian family physician|date=April 2005|volume=34|issue=4|pages=227–31|pmid=15861741}}</ref> Dylai plant â'r haint gael [[sinc]]<ref name="Ci20132" /> ond nid oes angen [[Gwrthfiotig|gwrthfiotigau]] fel rheol.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Zollner-Schwetz|first1=I|last2=Krause|first2=R|title=Therapy of acute gastroenteritis: role of antibiotics.|journal=Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases|date=August 2015|volume=21|issue=8|pages=744–9|pmid=25769427|doi=10.1016/j.cmi.2015.03.002}}</ref>
Chwe cham sydd gan y dechneg:
# Penderfynwch ar y dasg i'w wneud.
# Dechreuwch yr amserydd (am 25 munud yn draddodiadol).<ref name="Cirillo" />
# Gweithiwch ar y dasg nes i'r amserydd ganu. Os daw rhywbeth i'ch meddwl i dynnu'ch sylw, ysgrifennwch ef, ond ewch yn syth yn ôl i'ch tasg.
# Ar ôl i'r amserydd ganu, rhowch dic ar ddarn o bapur.<ref name="CirilloHow">{{Cite web|title=GET STARTED|first=Francesco|last=Cirillo|work=The Pomodoro Technique|date=|accessdate=2016-01-06|url=|quote=4. WHEN THE POMODORO RINGS, PUT A CHECKMARK ON A PAPER}} Click the "how" link and see step 4. Presumably the piece of paper can be one's task list or similar. In any case, four check marks indicates a longer break (step 6).</ref>
# Os oes gennych lai na phedwar tic ar y papur, ewch i gael egwyl fach (3–5 munud), ac yna mynd yn ôl i gam 1.
# Fel arall, os oes gennych bedwar tic (hynny yw, ar ôl pedwar pomodoro), ewch am egwyl fwy (rhyw 15–30 munud). Ar ôl hynny, dechreuwch eto ar gam 1 gyda chyfres newydd o diciau.
Mae cynllunio, dilyn eich cynnydd, prosesu a delweddu yn hanfodol i'r decheg. Wrth gynllunio, caiff tasgau eu blaenoriaethu drwy eu rhoi nhw ar restr "I'w Wneud Heddiw". Mae hyn yn helpu'r defnyddwyr i amcangyfrif faint o ymdrech fydd eisiau i gwblhau tasg. Mae pob pomodoro yn cael ei gofnodi wedi'i gyflawni, sy'n ychwanegu at y teimlad o lwyddiant ac yn rhoi data crai am hunan-arsylwi a gwella yn nes ymlaen.<ref name="Cirillo" />

At ddibenion y decheg, un cyfnod o waith yw pomodoro.<ref name="Cirillo" /> Ar ôl cwblhau tasg, rhoddir unrhyw amser sbâr ar ôl i [[Gorddysgu|orddysgu]]. Ceir egwylion cyson, sy'n helpu
Credir bod rhyw dair i bum biliwn o achosion o gastroenteritis bob blwyddyn, a 1.4 miliwn o bobl yn marw o'i herwyd.<ref name="BMJ20072">{{cite journal|last=Elliott|first=EJ|title=Acute gastroenteritis in children.|journal=BMJ (Clinical research ed.)|date=6 January 2007|volume=334|issue=7583|pages=35–40|pmid=17204802|doi=10.1136/bmj.39036.406169.80|pmc=1764079}}</ref><ref name="Loz20122">{{cite journal|last=Lozano|first=R|title=Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.|journal=Lancet|date=Dec 15, 2012|volume=380|issue=9859|pages=2095–128|pmid=23245604|doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61728-0}}</ref> Mae'r mwyafrif o'r rhain mewn gwledydd sy'n datblygu.<ref name="Web092">{{cite book|last=Webber|first=Roger|title=Communicable disease epidemiology and control : a global perspective|year=2009|publisher=Cabi|location=Wallingford, Oxfordshire|isbn=978-1-84593-504-7|page=79|url=|edition=3rd}}</ref> Yn 2011, ymhlith plant dan bump oed, bu tua 1.7 biliwn o achosion a 0.7 miliwn o farwolaethau.<ref name="Walk20132">{{cite journal|last=Walker|first=CL|author2=Rudan, I|author3=Liu, L|author4=Nair, H|author5=Theodoratou, E|author6=Bhutta, ZA|author7=O'Brien, KL|author8=Campbell, H|author9=Black, RE|title=Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea.|journal=Lancet|date=Apr 20, 2013|volume=381|issue=9875|pages=1405–16|pmid=23582727|doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60222-6}}</ref> Mewn gwledydd sy'n datblygu, mae plant o dan ddwy yn cael chwe neu fwy o heintiau y flwyddyn.<ref name="M932">{{cite book|last=Dolin|first=[edited by] Gerald L. Mandell, John E. Bennett, Raphael|title=Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases|year=2010|publisher=Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier|location=Philadelphia, PA|isbn=0-443-06839-9|edition=7th|chapter=93}}</ref> Mae hyn yn llai cyffredin mewn oedolion, yn rhannol oherwydd datblygiad eu [[system imiwnedd|systemau imiwnedd]].<ref name="Eck20112">{{cite journal|vauthors=Eckardt AJ, Baumgart DC|title=Viral gastroenteritis in adults|journal=Recent Patents on Anti-infective Drug Discovery|volume=6|issue=1|pages=54–63|date=January 2011|pmid=21210762|doi=10.2174/157489111794407877}}</ref>

After task completion, any time remaining in the pomodoro is devoted to [[:en:Overlearning|overlearning]]. Regular breaks are taken, aiding [[:en:Assimilation_(psychology)|assimilation]]. A short (3–5 minutes) rest separates consecutive pomodoros. Four pomodoros form a set. A longer (15–30 minute) rest is taken between sets.<ref name="Cirillo" /><ref name="Noteberg">{{cite book|last=Nöteberg|first=Staffan|title=Pomodoro Technique Illustrated|publisher=Pragmatic Bookshelf|location=Raleigh, N.C|isbn=978-1-934356-50-0}}</ref>

A goal of the technique is to reduce the impact of internal and external interruptions on [[:en:Focus_(cognitive_process)|focus]] and [[:en:Flow_(psychology)|flow]]. A pomodoro is indivisible. When interrupted during a pomodoro, either the other activity must be recorded and postponed (''inform – negotiate – schedule – call back'') or the pomodoro must be abandoned.<ref name="Cirillo" /><ref name="Noteberg" /><ref>{{cite book|last=Kaufman|first=Josh|title=The Personal MBA: A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume|publisher=Penguin UK|year=2011|isbn=978-0-14-197109-4}}</ref>

== Tools ==
The creator and his proponents encourage a low-tech approach, using a mechanical timer, paper and pencil. The physical act of winding the timer confirms the user's determination to start the task; ticking externalises desire to complete the task; ringing announces a break. [[:en:Flow_(psychology)|Flow]] and [[:en:Focus_(cognitive_process)|focus]] become [[:en:Association_(psychology)|associated]] with these physical stimuli.<ref name="Cirillo" /><ref>{{cite book|last=Burkeman|first=Oliver|title=Help! : how to be slightly happier, slightly more successful and get a bit more done|publisher=Canongate|location=Edinburgh|year=2011|pages=139–140|isbn=978-0-85786-025-5}}</ref>

The technique has inspired [[:en:Application_software|application software]] for several platforms.<ref name="autogenerated2">{{cite web|last=Sande|first=Steven|url=|title=The Pomodoro Technique, or how a tomato made me more productive||date=2009-11-28|accessdate=2010-10-27}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Pash|first=Adam|title=Lifehacker the guide to working smarter, faster, and better|publisher=Wiley|location=Indianapolis, Ind|year=2011|isbn=978-1-118-13345-3|url=|at=Hack 29}}</ref>

== See also ==
* [[:en:Procrastination|Procrastination]]
* [[:en:Life_hacking|Life hacking]]
* [[:en:Incremental_reading|Incremental reading]]

== References ==

== External links ==
* {{Official website|}}

Fersiwn yn ôl 08:12, 11 Awst 2016

A pomodoro kitchen timer, after which the method is named

Dull o reoli amser yw Techneg Pomodoro, a ddatblygwyd gan Francesco Cirillo yn hwyr yn y 1980au.[1] Mae'r dechneg yn defnyddio amserydd i dorri gwaith i mewn i gyfnodau, 25 munud o hyd yn draddodiadol, gydag egwyl fach rhwng pob un. Pomodoro yw enw un cyfnod, sef y gair Eidaleg am domato, ar ôl yr amserydd cegin siâp tomato yr oedd Cirillo yn ei ddefnyddio fel myfyriwr.[2][3] Mae'r dull yn seiliedig ar y syniad y gall egwylion cyson helpu gwella ystwythder y meddwl.[4][5]

Mae'r Dechneg Pomodoro yn debyg i gysyniadau megis blychau amser (timeboxing) a datblygiad iterus a chynyddol a geir wrth ddylunio meddalwedd. Defnyddir y dull mewn cyd-destunau o gydraglennu.[6]

Egwyddorion sylfaenol

Chwe cham sydd gan y dechneg:

  1. Penderfynwch ar y dasg i'w wneud.
  2. Dechreuwch yr amserydd (am 25 munud yn draddodiadol).[1]
  3. Gweithiwch ar y dasg nes i'r amserydd ganu. Os daw rhywbeth i'ch meddwl i dynnu'ch sylw, ysgrifennwch ef, ond ewch yn syth yn ôl i'ch tasg.
  4. Ar ôl i'r amserydd ganu, rhowch dic ar ddarn o bapur.[7]
  5. Os oes gennych lai na phedwar tic ar y papur, ewch i gael egwyl fach (3–5 munud), ac yna mynd yn ôl i gam 1.
  6. Fel arall, os oes gennych bedwar tic (hynny yw, ar ôl pedwar pomodoro), ewch am egwyl fwy (rhyw 15–30 munud). Ar ôl hynny, dechreuwch eto ar gam 1 gyda chyfres newydd o diciau.

Mae cynllunio, dilyn eich cynnydd, prosesu a delweddu yn hanfodol i'r decheg. Wrth gynllunio, caiff tasgau eu blaenoriaethu drwy eu rhoi nhw ar restr "I'w Wneud Heddiw". Mae hyn yn helpu'r defnyddwyr i amcangyfrif faint o ymdrech fydd eisiau i gwblhau tasg. Mae pob pomodoro yn cael ei gofnodi wedi'i gyflawni, sy'n ychwanegu at y teimlad o lwyddiant ac yn rhoi data crai am hunan-arsylwi a gwella yn nes ymlaen.[1]

At ddibenion y decheg, un cyfnod o waith yw pomodoro.[1] Ar ôl cwblhau tasg, rhoddir unrhyw amser sbâr ar ôl i orddysgu. Ceir egwylion cyson, sy'n helpu

After task completion, any time remaining in the pomodoro is devoted to overlearning. Regular breaks are taken, aiding assimilation. A short (3–5 minutes) rest separates consecutive pomodoros. Four pomodoros form a set. A longer (15–30 minute) rest is taken between sets.[1][8]

A goal of the technique is to reduce the impact of internal and external interruptions on focus and flow. A pomodoro is indivisible. When interrupted during a pomodoro, either the other activity must be recorded and postponed (inform – negotiate – schedule – call back) or the pomodoro must be abandoned.[1][8][9]


The creator and his proponents encourage a low-tech approach, using a mechanical timer, paper and pencil. The physical act of winding the timer confirms the user's determination to start the task; ticking externalises desire to complete the task; ringing announces a break. Flow and focus become associated with these physical stimuli.[1][10]

The technique has inspired application software for several platforms.[11][12]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Cirillo, Francesco. The Pomodoro Technique. Cyrchwyd 2011-05-08.
  2. Cummings, Tucker. "The Pomodoro Technique: Is It Right For You?". Lifehack. Cyrchwyd 19 May 2015.
  3. Cirillo, Francesco. "The Pomodoro Technique (The Pomodoro)" (PDF). Cyrchwyd 11 November 2013.
  4. Shellenbarger, Sue (2009-11-18). "No Time to Read This? Read This". Cyrchwyd 2010-10-27.
  5. Tambini, Arielle; Ketz, Nicholas; Davachi, Lila (28 January 2010). "Enhanced Brain Correlations during Rest Are Related to Memory for Recent Experiences". Neuron 65 (2): 280–290. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.01.001.
  6. Olsen, Patricia R.; Remsik, Jim (19 September 2009). "For Writing Software, a Buddy System". The New York Times.
  7. Cirillo, Francesco. "GET STARTED". The Pomodoro Technique. Cyrchwyd 2016-01-06. 4. WHEN THE POMODORO RINGS, PUT A CHECKMARK ON A PAPER Click the "how" link and see step 4. Presumably the piece of paper can be one's task list or similar. In any case, four check marks indicates a longer break (step 6).
  8. 8.0 8.1 Nöteberg, Staffan. Pomodoro Technique Illustrated. Raleigh, N.C: Pragmatic Bookshelf. ISBN 978-1-934356-50-0.
  9. Kaufman, Josh (2011). The Personal MBA: A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume. Penguin UK. ISBN 978-0-14-197109-4.
  10. Burkeman, Oliver (2011). Help! : how to be slightly happier, slightly more successful and get a bit more done. Edinburgh: Canongate. tt. 139–140. ISBN 978-0-85786-025-5.
  11. Sande, Steven (2009-11-28). "The Pomodoro Technique, or how a tomato made me more productive". Cyrchwyd 2010-10-27.
  12. Pash, Adam (2011). Lifehacker the guide to working smarter, faster, and better. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley. Hack 29. ISBN 978-1-118-13345-3.

External links