Neidio i'r cynnwys

Nodyn:Infobox website

Oddi ar Wicipedia
Documentation icon Dogfennaeth nodyn[gweld] [golygu] [hanes] [puro]


[golygu cod]
{{Infobox website
| name         = 
| logo         = 
| logocaption  = 
| screenshot   = 
| collapsible  = 
| collapsetext = 
| caption      = 
| url          = <!--{{URL|}} -->
| slogan       = 
| commercial   = 
| type         = 
| registration = 
| language     = 
| num_users    = 
| content_license = 
| content_licence = 
| programming language = 
| owner           = 
| author          = 
| editor          = 
| launch_date     = <!--{{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}}-->
| alexa           = 
| revenue         = 
| current_status  = 
| footnotes       = 


[golygu cod]

All parameters are optional. Do not link to an article more than once within the infobox.

Parameter Explanation
name The website's most recognizable name.
logo The website logo.
logocaption Caption for the logo.
screenshot A screenshot of the homepage, see: Example 1.
collapsible Whether the screenshot should be collapsed/visible at page load.
collapsetext Text for the header of the collapsed section, defaults to 'Screenshot'
caption Caption saying screenshot of <website name> as of <date>
url The most used URL of the website, check Alexa if needed.
slogan The slogan of the website.
commercial Is the site commercially run/owned? (yes/no)
type The type of website.
registration Is there registration? (none/optional/required)
language The language(s) the website is available in.
num_users The number of registered user the website has.
content_license or content_licence The license of the content of the site.
programming language Programming language written or coding done for the website.
owner The current owner, company name/persons name/alias, etc.
author The person or entity that writes for the website.
editor The person or entity that edits the website.
launch_date When the website was launched, check the WHOIS database, if needed.
alexa The website's current Alexa ranking (find on; make sure to cite Alexa's page for this info.)
  • Put {{Increase}} (increase) OR {{Steady}} (steady) OR {{Decrease}} (Decrease) BEFORE the ranking number to indicate the change of ranking compared with the previous month.
  • Mention the date of putting the ranking number AFTER the ranking number. Put the date in parenthesis, for example: (July 2012). If you update the ranking number, update the date as well.
  • At User talk:OsamaK/AlexaBot.js you can request that a bot will monthly update the rank.
revenue The approximate revenue of the site.
current_status Is the site online/offline/sold? Used for major transitions only, not for short term outages or other temporary situations.
footnotes Related footnotes.


[golygu cod]
A white sphere made of large jigsaw pieces. Letters from several alphabets are shown on the pieces.
Wikipedia wordmark
The logo of Wikipedia, a globe featuring glyphs from several different writing systems
Math o wefan
Internet encyclopedia
Ar gael yn 275 active editions (285 in total)
Pencadlys(oedd) Miami, Florida
Perchennog Wikimedia Foundation (non-profit)
Crëwyd gan Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger
Masnachol No
Cofrestru Optional (required only for certain tasks such as editing protected pages, creating pages or uploading files)
Defnyddwyr 35,000,000 (total registered in all editions)[1]
{{Infobox website
| name         = Wikipedia
| logo         = [[File:Wikipedia-v2-logo.svg|frameless|150px|alt=A white sphere made of large jigsaw pieces. Letters from several alphabets are shown on the pieces.]]<br />[[File:Wikipedia wordmark.svg|150px|Wikipedia wordmark]]
| logocaption  = The [[logo of Wikipedia]], a globe featuring [[glyph]]s from several different writing systems
| screenshot   = [[ screenshot 2018.png|border|300px|alt=Wikipedia's homepage with links to many languages.]]
| collapsible  = yes
| caption      = Screenshot of Wikipedia's multilingual portal.
| url          = {{URL|}}
| type of organization = Nonprofit
| location     = Miami, Florida
| type         = [[Internet encyclopedia]]
| language     = 275 active editions (285 in total)
| registration = Optional (required only for certain tasks such as editing protected pages, creating pages or uploading files)
| owner        = [[Wikimedia Foundation]] (non-profit)
| author       = [[Jimmy Wales]], [[Larry Sanger]]
| launch date  = {{Start date and years ago|mf=yes|2001|1|15}}
| commercial   = No
| alexa        = {{Steady}} 6 ({{as of|2012|7|2|alt=July 2012}})<ref name="alexa">{{cite web|url= |title= Site Info | publisher= [[Alexa Internet]] |accessdate= 2012-07-02 }}</ref><!--Updated monthly by OKBot.-->
| current status  = Active
| slogan          = The Free Encyclopedia
| content license = {{nobr|[[Creative Commons license|Creative Commons Attribution/<br />Share-Alike]] 3.0}} (most text also dual-licensed under [[GFDL]])<br />Media licensing varies
| num_users       = 35,000,000 (total registered in all editions)<ref>[[meta:List of Wikipedias#Grand Total|Grand Total]]. 10 June 2012. Retrieved 11 June 2012.</ref>

See also

[golygu cod]


[golygu cod]
  1. Grand Total. 10 June 2012. Retrieved 11 June 2012.
  2. " Site Info". Alexa Internet. Cyrchwyd 2012-07-02.

cy:Nodyn:Gwybodlen gwefan